Where is website for Carne Wilson's wls on the web?

Tonight on Entertainment Tonight I saw a short story about Carne Wilson (of Wilson Phillips band) having wls by Dr. Wittgrove (I think) on the web. I have not been able to locate the website or find the address on ET's website. Did anyone else see this report and find it? Thank you.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 6, 1999)

August 6, 1999
You can find the site at: Enjoy!
   — Frank W.

August 6, 1999
Here is the website
   — mary S.

August 6, 1999
here's the site that you requested > Carnie Wilson interview on A Doctor in Your House: > -
   — La Tanya W.

August 6, 1999
It I think it is wonderful that the general public will hopefully have some understanding the heartache heavy people have to endure. That its not our fault and that we really do try and care about how we look. Check into the website and leave a positive message for her. I did.
   — bperrin

August 7, 1999
They said it so fast on the television show "ET" Tonight, however, I thought they said it was (a doctor in the house) and I think it was this coming Tuesday.
   — Victoria B.

August 8, 1999
I believe the website is Is it scheduled for Tuesday the tenth at 3:00 PM?
   — Mary Anne M.

March 23, 2001
I found Carnie at Spotlight Health. I've bookmarked it.
   — Jennifer C.

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