What does it consists of?

This is a question for post-ops. I'm due for surgery September 29. The closer the date gets, the more nervous and scared I get. I go for my pre-op testing in the morning. I was told to arrive at 7:15 a.m. and expect to be there until 1:00 p.m. What in the world are they going to do to me for that many hours? I know I have to take a blood test and ekg, but what else is involved. They can eliminate the gall bladder test because I don't have one. I had gallstones many years ago and they removed my bladder. This is probably a silly question, but what does blood testing have to do with surgery? I mean, how does your blood tell a surgeon whether you can have surgery or not? I would appreciate your help and support. Many thanks.    — Theresa W. (posted on September 16, 1999)

September 15, 1999
didn't your M.D. tell you what all the testing would involve? Some doctors requre different tests...the blood test consists of a Chem 7 ,PT, PTT,CBC,and various other tests at doctors request .Where you asked not to drink anything from midnight on the night before your testing? If you were then more than likely you are sceduled for an Upper don't sounds worse than it just have to drink 4 oz of barrium and they trace it with a x-ray machine to rule out ulcers and any other problems with your GI tract.You could possibly have to spend a few minutes with a Psychologists or Psychiatrist for a short Psyche exam....if you smoke or have smoked recently you might have to have a Pulmonary Function test.....but you would already be aware of that upcoming test. they don't just "do" that test without a lot of explanation of procedure.Other than that I can't think of any others.. like I said it is a lot of the surgeons choice..most of the blood work is standard preliminary testing..same testing for all surgeries....they have to a base line for surgery. And the testing also lets the surgeon know of your blood levels( hemoglobin and hematacrit)They are all done to assist the doctor in doing his best to keep you safe....oh yes, EKG but I think you mentioned that .....
   — pam.leach

September 15, 1999
Yes, blood work can effect whether or not you're physically able to have surgery. ie. in my case, we found out I was severely anemic, and the only reason I believe we went thru with the surgery is because I had flown half way across the country and was willing to be transfused 4 units of blood and i.v. iron therapy prior to surgery. Otherwise I'd have had to fly home for a month or so and build up my blood and iron before attempting again. There is a lot that is checked in blood work, nutrition levels, blood gases to make sure you're getting enough oxygen, etc. You'll also likely have an EKG and an echocardiogram, urinalysis,possibly an upper g.i., etc. in your pre-ops. Remind your doc you have no gall bladder to scan for. Best of Luck on your journey! You'll be fine if you make the committment to yourself to do everything you're told to nutritionally and medically! My thoughts will be with you!
   — Sherrie G.

September 16, 1999
Preop testing is no big deal. You just have to see a lot of people. They do the blood test, chest x-ray, ekg, then you see a nurse, nutritionist, doctor for a quick checkup, (nothing much), they take a history and ask all kinds of questions, spend a lot of time waiting, but it's really a piece of cake.
   — Stephanie S.

September 16, 1999
Hi Theresa, I had my surgery almost two years ago and I had to have an upper GI and a lower GI, gall bladder scan, talk to a nutritionist, talk to the anestesia people,etc...but you would think that they would have had you prepare yourself for those tests. With fasting ,laxitives and enamas, etc.
   — Ellen M.

September 16, 1999
I am going for pre-testing Monday Sept.29,Going to have an upper GI test also and Iwill have to have an ultra sound onmy gallbadder. I do not know how eles but just going to one dept. to another in the hospital may take a little time then you have to wait your turn. Wish You Well
   — michele K.

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