To all post op ladies with

Ok, here is the issue. I have a gentleman friend that is very interested in me. He is also considerably older than me, but that is really not a concern. My family really likes him. Some family members, in just trying to be concerned, say that there could be a chance that after surgery, with all of the attention that I may get, I may drop the man to be with someone else, and that would really hurt. I really don't think that would happen because of the kind of person I am now, but I can understand what they are saying. What did you ladies out there do when you dropped the pounds and picked up the admirers?? Love to you all~~~~~~~>>>>    — tipdawg1 (posted on January 9, 2000)

January 9, 2000
Tiffany, If this relationship is meant to be, then it will last. Is this man with you just because you are fat? Are you with him for the same reason? If there is more to your relationship than weight, then those things will still be there. I have seen women and men get "cocky" after surgery and treat their significant others poorly, but I believe they had problems before hand. But,I have seen more folks have this surgery, loving their significant others before hand, and watching as the pride and love just grows. Your life will be better after surgery, mine has improved about 900%. Think about it, When you feel good, and are happy with yourself and love yourself .... then other relationships are allowed to flourish. Good Luck and have faith Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

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