Should I have dental work done prior to surgery?

I have a call in to my doctor about this but need guidance from my support team here. I am a month and a half from my surgery date and need a couple of fillings. This requires a local anisthesia (sp). Can I do this now, or should I wait until I am post-op? [email protected]    — Courtrina Amur W. (posted on June 8, 2000)

June 8, 2000
I certainly would get it done NOW or wait til 6 months post-op. You'll be short on protein post-op as it is, and protein is necessary for healing. You don't want to have to split up the meager resources when you need extra. If you can get in, get it done and over.
   — vitalady

June 8, 2000
I agree with Michelle. Do it now. I had 2 root canals the week before my surgery (open RNY) and I was fine. You sure don't want a tooth ache to set in while you're healing from surgery.
   — Tina H.

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