Do you know of a good exercise program?

   — peaceangel58 (posted on July 7, 2000)

July 8, 2000
Everyone is different. But, all I have really done is walked. I was told that walking is going to be ONE of the best things to help premote weightloss. I have started swimming and it has helped me with the all body excersise. Good luck.....
   — Lee Ann B.

July 8, 2000
Debra, the best exercise plan is the one you will do. The key is to choose something you like and are able to accomplish. You may love to swim but if you can't get to a pool, then that's not a good exercise for you. Exercise has become my sticking point regarding this surgery and for everyone else in the world. For exercise to truly be beneficial it must be aerobic which means the heart rate must increase to at least 60% of the maximum heart rate, and it must be continuous for at least 12 minutes. Also, weight strengthening excercises with free weights, rubber bands, tubes, or machines are crucial to maximizing results. There are several good books out there which talk about exercise and fitness. I strongly urge everyone to read these books. The Ultimate Fit or Fat, 1999 by Covert Bailey and Stop the Insanity by Susan Powter. I have been scouring the bookstores, libraries and medical resources and I have to say that these 2 books were the easiest to read and understand AND made the most sense and were the most do-able. I appaud your interest in seeking information on exercise. It really is the icing on the cake as far as health and weight loss. Goes hand in hand with eating a healthy diet along withthe WLS. E-mail me if you want more info about exercise-I've become a fanatic and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
   — Fran B.

July 8, 2000
Debra, AS I sat up late one evening watching my favorite channel... QVC(lol) they were promoting a walking program by a woman named Leslie Sansonne. I ordered it and it is great. No impact at all on the joints, lots of marching in place, stepping side to side, and arm exercises. I got a 3 tape package that included hand weights. I think you only need to get the 2 mile walk and the 5 mile walk. actually walk 2 miles in 31 mins in your living room, or 4 miles in about 58 mins in your living room. I am 5.5 weeks post op and can already do the 4 mile. It pushes me, but that's the point. I feel so good afterwards. I wish I could find the order # so you could get this package too. But just got to either the QVC website and type in exercise or her name and it will come up. She also has a web site. I think most of us would love these tapes as you do not have to get out in the heat to walk and there are lots of other ones to get as you tone up and get stronger.With the 4 mile walk, you actually go fast enough with out impact to walk a mile in about 12 mins!!! These work outs are even much better than sweatin' to the oldies, which I use to love, but not any more. Good luck. I started the tapes (2 miles) at 3 weeks post op. Feel free to email me if you want Good luck to all the "losers" out there....I've lost 37lbs in 4.5 weeks. Havent weighed again in a while. Drink your fluids, take your vitamins and get that darned protein in. Best to all Valerie
   — Valerie B.

July 10, 2000
Hi. My exercise program works very well. At first I was in such horrible shape that all I could do was exercise in the pool at the local Y. I went to the pool twice a day. First at 6:00 A.M. I water walk the shallow end and swim the deep end. Also, it is important to such in gut and tuck in butt whole time for maximum toning potential. I do this 45 mins to 60 mins at a time. I do not count laps, just time. Then I go to different Y at 8:30 PM and water walk shallow end for 45 to 60 mins. I do this because my legs are very heavy disproportionately and my knees are seriously messed up from weighing 474 pounds for years. After I got down to 270, I switched exercise to walking in the neighborhood. I clocked out a 1.6 mile hike and did this three times a day, before work, at lunch and after dusk. My knees were screaming about this so I reclocked a 1.1 mile walk. This works better. The resultant improvement in my legs is noticeable. Also, I have just figured out how to ride a bike around the neighborhood. Again the problem was my knees, they do not like to bend hard enough to pedal. The exercise is extremely important and requires heavy self-discipline. It keeps my body from hitting starvation mentality and becoming too efficient about burning calories. I try to maintain around 700 calories a day. I have not hit a plateau yet. My surgery was 10/4/99. I have averaged losing 4.96 pounds a week. LOL Beth.
   — Elizabeth H.

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