Is there anyone out there that feels or felt overwhelmed before surgery?

I have waited 2 years to have this open RNY approved, and since the day they called me and told me it was finally ok'd, i have cried a few times a least once a day! Is this something everyone goes through? I had Uterine Suspension Surgery and a bladder suspension which split me hip to hip, done in 1995 which they have to redo again at the same time due to the birth in 1997 of my last son, but i don't remember being this anxiouos or moody! i dont know how to explain it! i am so excited and thrilled to be able to have it done! I have 3 boys that my mom is going to help me care for afterward so that isn't really an issue i dont think. I had the psych eval and he said i am not Depressive. Yet i cry now at the slightist thing! What is the matter with me? Will it pass? Has anyone else experienced this prior to surgery? I am just usually such a happy, "theres a pony in this pile of stuff somewhere" kinda person! And this is really getting me down!! I am divorced and happy to be so, so don't mention the help of a spouse thing! ;o) Maybe its diet? i feel i want to sleep alot i know thats odd for me too! I am going to bed at 2 or 3AM now! Then i just toss and turn all night! I don't want to discuss this with my doctor. I am afraid he will tell me it isn't normal and postpone my surgery! Can anyone help me out there? Should i be on Paxil or somthing for awhile? i did that for Post Partem blues in 1997, really helped alot! Talk to me fellow patients!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!    — Sharleen P. (posted on July 14, 2000)

July 13, 2000
Sharleen, I hav surgery in a few days and that is exactly how I feel.I know part of it for me is I am so nervous and also excited but it will be a complete lifestyle change. My sister has been telling me that this is the most normal I have acted in a long time.
   — spacetrace

July 14, 2000
Sharleen, Sounds pretty normal to be. I experienced the same thing. Anxiety and nerves have a big part to play in it. You are making a commitment to a total life-style change that some would say is "optional." You may be subconciously mourning the soon to be "death of a friend"----- FOOD. All I can say is hang in there, it is sooo worth it, and yes, after the surgery, and the pounds drop off, what you are feeling will pass. The life- style change for me is not half as hard as I thought it would be. Just go into the surgery with a positive attitude, knowing that you are doing what is right for you. If you believe in a higher power, now would be a good time to turn to it. Good Luck, Dani
   — Dani J.

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