Does anyone know how marijuana effects a person after the BPD/DS?

I know this is probably a real touchy subject, but I was wondering if any Post-Ops had any input regarding the effects of Marijuana after surgery? I hope no one is offended by this question...Thanks.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 11, 2000)

September 11, 2000
same wsy it did before...psychogenically...are you referring to the infamous munchies? In that case, I would have concern about the craving to eat, a reduced stomach size and a reduced capacity to make rational conscious decisions and choices. Beyond that, let the good times roll...
   — merri B.

September 11, 2000
   — [Anonymous]

September 11, 2000
Munchies, and dehydration.
   — Courtrina Amur W.

September 11, 2000
i find ,no differene in it ,Before or after ,no ill effects
   — [Anonymous]

September 11, 2000
Even though I'm still pre-op and have no idea what the answer to your question is, I would hope that you're talking about smoking it and not eating it in brownies. lol. My husband - who always checks my email to see what questions are being asked - said the exact same thing when he read your question. Like several people before me said, though, I'd be concerned about the munchies mostly.
   — Terry M.

April 8, 2003
I am 5 weeks post-op and have not smoked pot before. I tried it once and found it great for pain and mood control. It made me thirsty so I was able to get my water in, wich I wasnt able to do before, and I just felt generally better. It is inportant to keep in mind not to over-do any activity due to the pain control, and resist those munchies!
   — badmaxxi

April 8, 2003
AMOS MOD HERE. Illegal drug use is not allowed here. Somehow this old discussion from years ago is still here. Lets please let this topic die. Removing old topics is a tomn of work. Please no more responses.
   — bob-haller

April 8, 2003
Bob this totally drug free member is curious as to why I've seen many posts on this site about alcoholism, people abusing prescription narcotics, and such but this thread is not allowed? Is it against the law or is it just this site doesn't want to deal with? (very curious as I thought we were supposed to support all our members in all their situations and troubles)
   — Shelly S.

April 8, 2003
Shelly its in the TOS as prohibited.
   — bob-haller

April 8, 2003
I believe its because its illegal. The others 7you mentioned arent criminal offenses usually.
   — bob-haller

April 8, 2003
First and formost we all know the laws for drugs, that was not the question, and to answer the question the effect is based upon your prior experience with marijuana, it will relax you and make you somewhat thirsty, depending upon the person you may or may not get the "munchies". Treat it as if you have in the past for all long term weed smokers, and current ones go slow on the draw, you do not want to cough hard and hurt your stomach the same way with laughter, you don't want to laugh to hard.
   — barbara C.

October 31, 2003
I would like to point out that in my state, medical use of marijuanna is completely legal. I think this topic should be discussed here, it is up to the individual to know what their legal obligations are in the particular state they live in.
   — badmaxxi

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