I'm 11 days post-op, 2-3 of my fingers have painful swollen red knots under the knuck

knuckles and they itch like crazy. This gets worse at night and this is the third night and three different fingers have been affected. I'm putting hydrocortisone on them for the itching. I looks and feels like some kind of spider bite or something, but it couldn't be on three different fingers on three different nights. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with circulation. An odd questions, I'm sure, but I was wondering if anyone else has had this and can help me.    — Beth W. (posted on November 11, 2000)

May 22, 2001
I have not had surgery yet and do not know if that is related to WLS, but dont rule out the spider bites. I have had them on my legs..different spots and different nights. A spider can bite over and over and can live in those sheets for a while. Good Luck! You should probably check with your Dr. though..that's what they are there for!
   — [Anonymous]

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