Thigh Reduction

Will my thighs and hips ever go down.... i went from 288 to 233 in 3 months and my thighs and hips are still huge. How long does it usually take for them to fall if ever? Will I need plastic surgery I am only 22    — NicoleW78 (posted on January 19, 2001)

January 19, 2001
Hi Nicole. Great weight loss! I was told that the first place you put it, the last to come off. In other words, you've probably lost most of your weight in your face, arms, stomach, back and bust. After this is gone, the only place left to lose will be your thighs and hips...(gee, I hope so, my thighs and hips are pretty darn big, too!) Anyhow, 3 months post op is a little early to be thinking about plastic surgery - see how you feel in 6 months, or a year. I bet you'll feel a whole lot better then! Good luck and God Bless.
   — Allie B.

April 16, 2003
Give it more time. I had my surgery Aug 8 and was very pear shaped by christmas. Now in March I am wearing size 10's and am much happier with the shape of my lower body. I never thought my butt and hips would leave but they are, slowly. Make sure you are moving. Take the stairs whenever possible. Even if it is only 5-6. That is free exercise. Stair climbing works the whole leg and hip area. Good Luck--Jennifer
   — Jennifer D.

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