What should I pack for the hospital?

Hello all, well I am getting close to my surgery date, well it is a month away, but I am preparing...I'd like to know what I should bring to the hospital. Here is the list that I have compiled so far...slippers, robe, chap stick, hand lotion, underwear, brush, toothbursh and paste, sanitary napkins, hair dryer, deoderant, baby wipes, large bbq. tongs, small pillow for coughing and a vibrating heating pad. Anything else??? Thank you all very much. The ideas that are here are ideas that I got off this board and for that I am thankful. Thank you for the help. :-)    — Mary B. (posted on March 21, 2001)

March 21, 2001
Hi, I had seen a question just like yours awhile back and a very kind woman had posted that she would gladly email you a list she had compiled, it was a wonderful 25 page letter that had lots of great info in it! Her name is Ava and her email is [email protected] Just send her an email and ask her to send you a copy of her list... I hope she doesn't mind my posting this but she had before so I know she is glad to help... Good Luck! Renee Donalson
   — Renee D.

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