are there any lesbians in Houston having VGB done?

I am a happly 'married' lesbian, scheduled to have VGB done 5/1/01 and I am looking for a 'sister' to share/support the process with.    — Rose V. (posted on March 24, 2001)

March 24, 2001
Im not in Texas, But i wanted to tell you a "Hello" Im also a happily married Lesbian in Arizona..I wish we lived closer I too need a 'sister' to talk to during my path of WLS..Good luck in your qwest
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 24, 2001
there is an email group called: OSSG-Lesbian-and-Gay you van reach them here: hope this help !
   — carou1313

March 24, 2001
Hi Rose and others, I'm gay too but I live in Massachusetts. I will ask around to see if my 'sista' WLS email friends are from Texas. Great to see others willing to out themselves here! Don't be surprised if you get some exasperatingly judgmental posts from people whom you didn't ask to hear from --I just try to ignore them! Good luck...
   — Veronica D.

March 29, 2001
Just a 'hi' from New Jersey. I had lap-R-N-Y on 2/20. You're right. It is nice to know that you're not the only lesbian having wls. Good luck!
   — Gail A.

March 29, 2001
I am not a lesbian, but I wanted to post a message of support to you on your road to the skinny side :) I am 2 years post-op and frequent this page frequently and I would like to say I don't think you'll get any negative feed back from us "straight" ladies! We are all sisters under the skin and though I found all people are prejudiced against, for one reason or another it draws us together. Please don't judge all "straight" people by the few who are stupid/ignorant/mean just because you march to a different tune and or don't meet society's specifications because of size. I have a few lesbian friends and a whole harem of gay husbands who are worth more to me than most of the other people that I know straight or gay. Welcome to the "skinny" side of the street :)
   — [Anonymous]

March 30, 2001
I am the dyke that asked if there were anyother 'sister's having VBG done in Houston so that I could connect with a familiar female-not to put any of my straight sisters! Just trying to make use of a wonderful way of connecting with someone in the same situation as mine. So... all you straight male/female/whatever--no need to get upset!
   — Rose V.

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