Did any one that has already had an Open RNY not had to do a bowel prep the evening b

I had all my Pre Op testing done yesterday , visited again with the surgeon. When I asked him what kind of bowel prep would be done the evening before surgery he told me none, it wasn't needed for this surgery ? I was not looking forward to it but I am surprised he told me none ! So what's the deal ? Did any of you get by with out one ? I am having an open RNY on April 6th. Thanks for any help. Connie    — kountry (posted on March 30, 2001)

March 29, 2001
I had open RNY 10/99 and didn't have to have bowel prep.
   — kaydeeb16

March 29, 2001
Connie, I had an open RNY on 1/23/01 and did not have a bowel prep before the surgery. In fact, I had to go into the hospital the day before surgery so I could have i.v. heparin (blood thinner) because of atrial fibrillation. I was given both a "standard" hospital lunch and dinner including such items as grilled chicken for lunch and meatloaf for dinner, with vegetables, bread, salad, dessert, etc. No food or drink after midnight, and my surgery was done at approximately 9:30 a.m. the next day. So, if you doctor says don't worry, then don't worry. Let me know if you have any further questions and I'll do my best to answer. Trish - - [email protected]
   — Trish H.

March 29, 2001
I am scheduled for surgery 4/19/01. I had my pre op testing on 3/28/01, and was also told that I did not need a bowel prep. I was told only to have clear liquids the day before, and nothing after midnight the night before the surgery.
   — Andrea M.

March 29, 2001
I had open RNY surgery on 1/11/01. My doctor told me to eat normally up til midnight. I had a steak, potato, and salad about 7 the evening before surgery and nothing after midnight. There was no bowel prep and I had my surgery at 8 in the morning with no problems.
   — Dottie K.

March 29, 2001
Connie, I had Open Distal RNY on 8/11/01 and i didn't have any type of bowel prep. I ate a normal diet (large calzone and salad) right up until midnight the night before surgery. I actually finished my dinner at midnight. My surgery was scheduled for 7am the following morning. I wish you the best of luck in your up coming surgery. Marie
   — Arianne B.

March 29, 2001
Surgery date should of been 8/11/'s still early morning for me....LOL BTW, i've lost 101 pounds in 7 months. Take Care, Marie
   — Arianne B.

March 29, 2001
Add me to the ranks of those who didn't have to have any bowel prep. I had "normal" food all day and ended up with a hot fudge sundae at 9 p.m. as my last "fat" food! I'm glad I didn't have to go through all the prep and have done just fine. I'm 7 months post-op and 102 lbs. lighter.
   — georgiacarol

March 29, 2001
From a medical standpoint... it is a good idea to eat light meals a couple of days prior to surgery. Even if your doc does not require a formal bowel prep... common sense dictates that a light load in your bowel would be better than a steak and pizza meal at 10pm the night before.
   — SusanMaria

March 30, 2001
Hi Connie, I had open RNY surgery 2-21-01. I did not have any bowel prep. I ate until 11pm the night before and had no complications at all with my surgery. So eat up and good luck!!!
   — Robin H.

March 30, 2001
Hi Connie ~ ~ I had an open RNY on 3/19/01. The only thing I was required to do was fast after 12am. My surgery went great. GOOD LUCK!
   — socco58

March 30, 2001
I had an open DS on Dec.4 and I was only required to fast from 12:00 am. No other bowel prep was nessesary.
   — Joelle B.

April 14, 2002
Even if you don't have a bowl prep I would still not eat after 12:00 noon the dat before and only drink liquids till midnight if possible. The anesthesia effect everyone differently but it shuts down most peoples bowls for a few days and I wouldn't want anything sitting in my bowls that long because it will be painfull to get out no matter who you are after a surery like this. I AM TALKING FROM EXSPERIENCE!!!!
   — Dawn V.

April 14, 2002
I had a nasty, traumatizing bowel prep. I think surgery after my bowel prep was almost a breeze. I had LAP, however and maybe it's different. I had GB removal 1 year later and was terrified at the thought of another horrid bowel prep (I am verrrrrrrry regular, and it doesn't take much- but I also was very paranoid and followed my WLS bowel prep to the T) anyhooo, I was reasearching online regarding anesthesia, bowel prep etc. There are arguements FOR having food in you (helps in recovery) and arguements against it (you may get constipated). Sometimes eating big before a big "thing" is not good, sometimes I think it may help!
   — Karen R.

April 14, 2002
So, I meant to say, I did NOT follow the rules to the bowel prep before Gallbladder. With LA WLS, I had to drink gallon of golytely after 2 days of FASTING (clear liquids), with Gallbladder I (was supposed to) fast for just 1 day (no eating after 8pm the night before) and 1 day fast, followed by drinking 8oz. of cloace (? I think it was that, it was lemon lime- or so they SAY- UGH).... Instead, I ate until noon, and drank my colace at 3:00. I breezed through lap GB removal (in and out same day!), and I think it was a GOOD thing I ate, because they would not let me leave the hospital until I had a bowel movement- Had I fasted, there would NOT have been a bowel movement.
   — Karen R.

March 27, 2005
I did no bowel prep either. All I had to do was eat only clear liquids the day before after noon, then nothing by mouth after midnight.
   — **willow**

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