This question is for the post ops under thirty years old

Please, please, please don't use this question as a time to tell me how it is better to lose weight and have saggy skin than it is to be overweight and have tight skin--I see the difference, but I still want to know. Is their anyone that lost over 150 pounds and did not have lots of saggy skin? I am only 25, single, apple shaped and I am african american, if that matters. I want to know if anyone did not have a lot of sagging and if it might tone up over time at all. Also, has anyone found helpful ways to combat the saggy skin W/O surgery later? I'd appreciate all serious, helpful answers.    — Courtney W. (posted on June 10, 2001)

June 10, 2001
As you know, everyone is diffrent BUT, I am 32, 5'8" started at 300 pounds, has open RNY on 6/23/00 and now weight under 180. I have been working out at a gym at least 3 days a week for toning and I walk a lot. My doctor said weight resistance training, walking and water were the best I could do to help my skin. I do not think I will need surgery anywhere but my chest. I was very large before (50DD) and I am now suffering from deflated balloon syndrom (38D). I will need a lift but that is all. My abdomen, upper arms and upper thighs are no models but look darn good to me. I hope this helps and good luck to you!
   — Andrea P.

June 10, 2001
It all depends on the elasticity of your skin. First of if you are big and don't have much for stretch marks you have a good chance of it going to normal or near normal. If you have alot of stretch marks that means your skin is lacking in elasticity. There really is not much we can do. It is mostly hereditary. I am about half the size of my friend and have have many stretch marks and she has none. Good luck
   — [Anonymous]

June 10, 2001
If you are over 300 lbs, pretty much expect sagging skin...what you choose to do about it is your own decision.
   — [Anonymous]

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