Anyone high bmi, but

When others look at me, including the Psychiatrist they ask why I would need it. I have a big solid frame and i'm 5'9" tall. When I ask others to guess my weight (270) they usually come back anywhere between 150 and 180. That being said, I am 270 with a TON of co-morbs and I am scheduled for surgery 10/8. I was wondering if there were any post ops out there with this same kind situation and how long it took them to get to goal. Was it hard to loose weight? Was it easy? Did you loose too fast? Was it very slow? Did you have a problem stopping the weight loss? Any replys would be greatly appreciated.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 9, 2001)

August 9, 2001
I am 5'8" and started at 363. I had surgery 3/15/01 and have lost 95#'s so far. No one was ever close when guessing my weight either. Although I am no where near goal, I have not had any problems losing the weight. I do exercise everyday. Hope this helps...
   — Ginger J.

August 9, 2001
I'm 5'9" and weighed 278 when I had my surgery. I had been up and down several times last year to 300. My BMI was exactly 40. I too have been able to carry my weight to not look "as big". First off, I figured I qualified and met all the insurance guidelines and I was entitled just like everyone else to this surgery. I had some co morbids but I wanted to deal with this before I had many more of the major obesity illness's. I'm 4 months post op(open BPD/DS) and I'm losing well. I've lost 55 lbs and 26 1/2". For me the inches has been the biggest thing. Even my surgeon said to me yesterday "you lost a ton of weight" and I said not really and he said "you lost a ton of something"-inches!!!!!I'm doing what's best for my body. Where else would I have lost even 55 in 4 months? I'm content with what my bodies doing. I increase the fluids/protein when I plateau but I figure maybe if I don't lose as fast than I won't have a massive apron to deal with. So far I don't. I've dropped from a 26/28 to an 18/20. I'll take that any day. This has been relativly easy for me. I had lots of people tell me they didn't think I needed the surgery because I wasn't that big. Now, they see me smaller they realize I was that big. Even the anesthesiologist while on the table told me she didn't think I was that big. Anyway, you qualify-go for it and enjoy this wonderful journey of self discovery. Best wishes.
   — Linda M.

August 9, 2001
I was 281 and 5'8 when I had my surgery on 1 Sep 00. No one would have guessed I weighed tht much - it was pretty packed in. I always exercised a lot, which probably helped. Now I've lost 106 lbs, and feel great! I went from a size 22 to a 14 and really haven't had to work that hard at it. One good thing about us, tho, is that our skin isn't stretched out as much. Mine is shrinking pretty good. Although it will never go back to where it should, I won't need any reconstructive surgery. My arms are the worst, but my husband says he can tell they are shrinking, too. Best of luck! Hugs and kisses, Pat
   — nealp

August 10, 2001
My husband is 5'9, and 308 lbs (or he was!). He was very solid, a barrel chested type who didn't jiggle - although I think that's the worst kind of fat medically. Anyway, to answer your question! His surgery was 6/20/01, and as of today he has lost 48 lbs. It's amazing to watch this transformation on someone else - his weight is coming off much faster than mine did! - Kate -
   — kateseidel

August 10, 2001
I am 5'3'and weigh 220. My BMI is 39.No one ever guesses how much I weigh.They are always off by 30lbs at least.My weight is evenly spread and I carry it well. I get the same responses from people, wondering why I need to lose 100lbs.I just say I am a short lady and need to do it.My surgery is not until Nov 27th if all goes well with approval.
   — garyzgurl

August 10, 2001
You know, there's a lady I met at my support group meeting & she really doesn't look that heavy, but she's looking into surgery. She said that people can't believe it when she tells them how much she weighs because she doesn't look it. She weighs alot more than she looks. That might be good in some ways but that must be kind of hard to deal with, having people be critical & thinking you don't need surgery. I think those who are obese but "carry it well" probably have alot of their fat inside, packed around their organs. As Kate said, that's probably the worst kind of fat. People should mind their own business. They're not suffering the co-morbids that you are. As long as you and your surgeon feel that wls is the way to go, then that's all that matters. As for your other questions about loosing, I'm afraid I can't help you there as I am the giggly type of fat person. The best of luck on your surgery!
   — lalasmommy

August 10, 2001
You are not alone, I too am 6'0 and look as if I weigh 180 pounds, however, I weigh 310 pounds, and my knees, hips and back can prove it. I have spent over 15 years trying to seek help, Dr's continued to tell me that I was a "healthy overweight", and yet it has finally taken a toll on my health. Any day now I should be receiving an approval from my insurance co., and looking forward to a healthier life. My only suggestion would be... do what is right for you...wishing you a lifetime of happiness.
   — [Anonymous]

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