I need support

This is hard for me. I always have had a hard time asking people for help. I always felt I would be rejected so I acted like I didn't need anyone. After many years, it is still hard for me but I decided to be brave and do it anyway. My surgery is in 2 1/2 weeks and I need all the support I can get. Thanks    — Lois M. (posted on September 2, 2001)

September 2, 2001
Dear Lois, I'm here and so is everyone else at AMOS! It takes alot of courage to go through this journey...and you do NOT have to do it alone!!! Email me if you want...and let's talk...YOU can do this! Congratulations on your date...peace, Terri
   — Terri G.

September 2, 2001
Dear Lois, I don't see a question here. But if support is what you want you have come to the right place. the people on this site are great. I assume that it is the proximity to your surgery that is making you feel alone and as a pre op I can relate to that, I hope that you continue to ask for what you need. It might be helpful if you could ask specifically for what it is you would like. Email and this site site have limits but know that you will be in my thoughts as your surgery nears and if there is anything you need email me and I will see what I can do. Best of health to you. Be good to yourself and know that you can do it. Blessed be, Kathy
   — kathleen S.

September 2, 2001
Hiay Lois, I think with 49,539 members we can find you some support =) I'm one of the pre-ops that's still around all the time because my body doesn't allow for much more -- still on my journey though insurance.... If it's support you need we're here, please email me and let me know how I can help ! <A href="mailto:[email protected]">Elizabeth</A>
   — Elizabeth D.

September 2, 2001
Hi, Lois - Everyone needs support before surgery! I am post op from 7/30 and a week or two before the date, I was stressing about my choice, lifestyle changes and the possibility of complications. I came through fine, and am happy to support anyone who is taking this momentous step!
   — Jean K.

September 2, 2001
Hi Lois, I had my surgery in Feb. it was the best decision and gift I ever gave myself. Everyone is scared and needs support before surgery. You should pat yourself on the back for having the courage to ask for support.
   — connie m

September 2, 2001
Bless your heart! Honey, you are not alone! We all, before surgery (and even afterwards) need all the support we can get. We are all in this together and anytime you need anything you should just feel free to come to this website and ask! You will go through a lot of emotions in the next couple of weeks but you just try to stay focused on why you decided to do this in the first place. Try to focus on the quality of life that lays ahead for you. Sure, there are real risks involved; however, they are no more real for this surgery than they are for any other type surgery! Pray, pray, and pray some more. Hang in there - you'll discover this is the best thing you've ever done for yourself and you ARE worth it!!!!!! Best of luck to you.
   — Sharon R.

September 2, 2001
Hi Lois, I'm a nervous wreck to..My date is in 17 days. sept. 20th. I think it is very common to feel this way. So anxious, scared,excited,rattled brained the list just goes on and on. Lois I completely understand.I lost my mom almost 2 years ago and she was my rock and life line. At first I couldn't imagine going thru this without her but I am not alone. On this site the is 1000's of men and women just like you and me who understand how we feel and are here to encourage and lift us up from time to time . I am fairly new here also but I have learnt so much from these wonderful blessing God has put in my path. Lois we will all be here for you at any time. My prayer for you is not to feel less than to ask for help ..we all need each others strength. I am here fro you whenever you have questions or just need a friend.
   — Candy C.

September 2, 2001
HI!! i HAVEN'T had surgery yet... I am waiting on Ins.. to ok... I know how you feel... One day Gun Ho!!! ready it be wheeled ....Next day wondering should I try another dite.. But I keep reminding myself....look at all the other times I lost the weight only to regain..... This time-- will be the last ... I will work one more time to get this weight OFF... This time is going to be for a life time. When you make it to the outher side... PLEASE lQQk me up... I NEED to hear how you did...and how you are likeing the thinner YOU!!! Never ALONE!!! Jesus Walkin By My Side... Wishin for the new,thin me Deb
   — Deborah M.

September 2, 2001
It must be such a scary time right before surgery. I'm pre-op, but I'm sure I'll have jitters, too! I'm thinking of the surgery of a real gift to myself. And it's a gift that you're giving to yourself, too! Just think, in 6 months, you're going to be a lot healthier, lighter, and less nervous! Good luck, and we'll be praying for a super quick recovery for you.
   — Kathy J.

September 2, 2001
It must be such a scary time right before surgery. I'm pre-op, but I'm sure I'll have jitters, too! I'm thinking of the surgery of a real gift to myself. And it's a gift that you're giving to yourself, too! Just think, in 6 months, you're going to be a lot healthier, lighter, and less nervous! Good luck, and we'll be praying for a super quick recovery for you.
   — Kathy J.

September 2, 2001
It is so normal to be scared! We all went through it. This is a major surgery and a permanent change to your life. It's no wonder we question and fret so much. I find it really helpful to visit the chat room (unfortunately I didn't do it until after the surgery). You can ask questions or "listen" to the other people, both preop and postop. I found that there were a lot of other people who had the same problems and questions that I did . . . and a lot who had answers! Have you tried to find a support group in your area? Sometimes it helps to see people who are successful with WLS. If they can do it, you can, too! Good luck to you and don't be afraid to ask for help. This is a major event and you are NOT being a baby if you need to talk about it or have doubts.
   — ctyst

September 2, 2001
I just wanted to thank everyone for their good wishes. I am really glad I found this sight and you people. You are wonderful.
   — Lois M.

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