I am having surgery on Nov.21st and need to know what to bring to hospital

   — Tracy T. (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 26, 2001
I didn't have to bring anything just my tooth brush,the hospital provides all the other stuff.I read some people brought books and magazines... no time to read you just feel like sleeping.Save your money for smaller size clothes later!!!!!!!
   — Monica J.

September 27, 2001
<p>Here is what I brought (or should have brought:) <ul><li>Robe and slippers (for covering your tootsies and tushie while doing all that walking) <li>toothbrush and toothpaste <li>hairbrush <li>deoderant <li>loose-fitting clothes (not binding at waist) for going home <li>a clock if it bothers you not to know what time it is (one of my rooms did have a clock--it was broken) <li>really brainless magazines (I slept about 85% of the time but by the day of my release I was getting restless and there is NOTHING on local TV) <li>supplies in case you get your period <li>plenty of clean underwear </ul> <p>I also brought some stuff I didn't use, like books and cards. I was too busy sleepin'!
   — ctyst

September 27, 2001
You have some good ideas so far. I would just like to add chapstick. Your lips will be very dry and it helps.
   — georgiacarol

September 27, 2001
Exactly what Cheri and Georgia said. I did start my period in the hospital and was glad someone had warned me to bring my own stuff. Also, the chapstick is a lifesaver! I would add lotion too since I would get dry hands after washing them.
   — Angela B.

September 27, 2001
I just got out of the hospital on Monday and I will be honest with you, you most likely will not use anything you bring. The things that were most useful to me was toothbrush, toothpate, deoderant, baby wipes for the bathroom, a mirror, antibacterial hand gel & maxipads. I brought pajamas, undies and never even touched them. You might be more comfortable in the hospital gown cause it is easier to move around in. I also brought my own pillow from home as well as a blanket because it was very cold in the hospital.
   — Carolina B.

September 30, 2001
I had Open RNY on 9/11 and packed a suitcase full of things I never touched. The only things I needed were a change of clothes to wear home, a hairbrush and some deodorant.
   — Debbi C.

August 15, 2009
I'm with person who said save your money for smaller cothing. I went out and bought all the stuff everyone said I need and I didn't use one thing. Before you knew it it was time to go home.
   — MichiganGrammie

February 12, 2011
I brought a caftan to wear home (and my pillow for the bumpy ride) as well as what's been listed before. I also brought a hotel shampoo to wash my hair in the sink the morning of discharge so I felt good about walking out the door in my caftan. LOL There just wasn't time for a shower and it worked out great.
   — Ruthie D.

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