What is the nicest thing your husband or wife did for you after Surgery?

Ive gotten emails about nice things to encourage people, and i wondered what some of you experienced. What happened that made you feel so glad you had the surgery/ and or / JUST MADE YOUR DAY.    — Jackiis (posted on November 15, 2001)

November 15, 2001
Well my hubby stayed with me almost 24-7 at the hospital. I think that the nurses should have paid him. He also took a whole week off of a very demanding job. He wrote down all my meds and took my temp every day. He also gave me my shots of heperin. He's seem me at my worst and now he is seeing me at my best!!!!!! Starting wt-270 ht,5'6 , Today 177!!
   — colette W.

November 15, 2001
This may seem little, but when I came home from the hospital we found that I couldn't lay on my couch very comfortable and I just couldn't see myself sitting in my room (no TV) for a few days by myself. My husband couldn't either. He rearanged the living room and brought our bed out there. He then made our bed into one like at the hospital. I could sit up comfortable. It was really sweet. Even though I wasn't feeling very well, I could still be a part of the family!!
   — Tammy K.

November 15, 2001
Where to begin on this one? He stayed with me at the hospital the entire time - even sleeping on the floor for two nights before they found a roll away bed for him. Going to my support group meetings with me. Running to the store any time I wanted/needed anything. Loving me no matter what size I was. And lately encouraging me to go buy as many clothes as I want. He enjoys going shopping with me and gets a real kick out of having to go get smaller sizes for me to try on. He's my partner and my best friend and I love him more than words can say!
   — georgiacarol

November 15, 2001
Thank ya all for responding. My husband has been wonderful too. We still have the surgery to go thu, but so far he's been there for me and like you supplying my every need. I told him I don't know what I would have done without him even now BEFORE surgery!!! I made him promise if i chicken out the day of surgery to 'TIE ME UP AND DRAG ME IN'
   — Jackiis

November 15, 2001
My husband was wonderful in the hospital and has been ever since. Very supportive. While I was in hosp he pressed my morphine pump every 10 mins while I was sleeping, walked the halls with me, helped see to it I had chapstick on and helped me get into and out of bed and adjusted my pillows. He stayed with me for the first 3 days and slept on a cot beside my bed. I'm grateful for him and for all he is and does. This man loved me before I lose weight and can't keep a smile off his face now. The fact that I'm healthy and can expect to live longer and with more quality with him and my kids MAKES MY DAY! HUGS
   — Jo (Part 2) C.

November 15, 2001
42 year old male. Open RNY-April 17, 2001. My wife stayed with me 24/7 while I was in the hospital and my stay lasted 10 days due to complications. She took better care of me than the nurses. They were good, just so busy. A couple of weeks ago, to celebrate my 100 lbs. weight loss, my wife bought me a nice new watch. Ain't that sweet!!
   — Randy L.

November 15, 2001
I got my surgery done at a very busy hospital where the nursing staff was simply too busy to do little things for me like adjust my pillows, get me ice chips, help me go to the bathroom, shower, etc. My husband, who is a CNA by trade, stayed with me 24/7 the entire time I was in the hospital and did all these things for me. I felt like I had my own personal nurse. Since then, he has continued to be very supportive by going with me to the YMCA 4 times per week. He's never missed a workout session since my surgery! In addition, he doesn't eat fattening stuff around me and constantly tells me I'm beautiful. 150 lbs. down from my high, I'm sure that much of my success is due to this amazing man. I am so lucky!
   — Terissa R.

November 15, 2001
Jen my wife supported me so well during my pre op tests and fears. I was really depressed during this time, looking back I should of just been excited about the new life I was about to get. She stayed with me the first night at the hospital, and would of stayed the second night, but she had to work in the morning. I missed her greatly the second night, but got home that morning. I am now about to return the favor, Jen has her final pre op appointment today and I am going with her. Not only for her but as a inspiration to the other pre ops who will be there! I am taking along a newly located pre op picture which shows off well my 90 pound loss. I really enjoy helping others because I know how scary it was.
   — bob-haller

November 16, 2001
My husband was great for both surgeries that I had! He stayed at the hospital in the waiting room for two days the first time because they gave me too much fluids and I had to go to ICU. Then they didn't have a bed for me for another day and he called the doctor over and over again insisting that I be given a bed. My surgeon had left town and no one felt comfortable taking the NG tube out. He insisted that I be given the leak test so I could have ice chips! He, along with my twin sister, were my advocates and without them both, I don't think I would be here today! On the second surgery, once again they both stayed with me and did anything I wanted. I think the sweetest thing my hubby did for me was rub my cheeks with lotion--no not the ones on my face! My brother in law, Charlie, was there all the time too. Mostly, just being by your side is the best thing anyone can do. When I got home, I guess the nicest thing was just running all over town for all my wants and desires. You know, I would say "well, I can't eat this instant mashed potatoes, can you go to Cracker Barrel and get theirs or how about KFC." and "oh I really need some hydrocortisone cream. Can you run and get me some?" or "I am about building me a fire?" the list can go on and on. He was (and is) wonderful!
   — Marilyn C.

November 16, 2001
This may sound kinda funny, but the nicest thing my husband did for me was leave! No, not permanently! He was there until I woke up keeping the nurses in line. Once I was awake and getting pain meds and he had plumped my pillows, I was ready to sleep it off. He left and let me sleep. I didn't have to entertain him or talk. He checked in with me regularly, but for the most part just let me sleep and sleep. I think I slept for the most part of 3 days. Then he came to pick me up and listened to me gripe for half a day while I got used to being at home. What a trooper!
   — ctyst

November 16, 2001
This a great thoughtful question that really helps me appreciate my hubby! Let's see, he: 1. Went with me to my consult 2. prayed with me for guidance 3. Went to a support group meeting with me 4. got in the chat room to ask a few questions and meet my on-line buddies 5. took the kids home from the hospital so they wouldn't worry about me 6. took 2 weeks of vacation and babied me (except for making me WALK ALOT) 7. made my meager food as well as cooked for the family until I could do it. 8. Made posititive comments daily about how "Skinny" I was getting. 9. Almost divorced me (woke me up and helped me to feel love instead of hiding from love)- we are very happy now! 10. Loves to take me shopping and buy me clothes 11. Is very supportive in all of the new things I do- sports, travel, etc. even if he isn't interested in doing them himself!
   — M B.

November 16, 2001
One of the hardest aspects of my situation with surgery has been keeping it a secret. When I was in the hospital, my husband managed the children, didn't answer the phone, and I was able to keep a low profile. Our families are extremely close and we see each other regularly. So it was difficult for him when I disappeared for 4 days. He respected MY need to keep this private. Now, I am 10 months post op, and am soooooooo glad that he was there for me and our "secret" has brought us closer. Shelley
   — Shelley.

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