I cannot tolerate ferrous gluconate

Hi I am 3 weeks post op and up until about 10 days ago I was feeling fine . I started on my iron and calcium and Vitamin D as ordered , and since then I have fely awful. I had terrific heart burn one day coz I hadn't eaten yet. After that I just had abdominal cramps I got constipated even taking colace didn't work anyway 2 days ago I started vomiting every time I ate, I ended up going to the ER for something to stop the nausea the GP on call said to stop the iron and calcium for now, and he told me that I will probably need iron shots as they are not so hard on the system. I had the D/S and so these supplements are vital to me . Are the Iron injections as good as the pills? Thanks Susan    — susan T. (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
Is the calcium citrate? Carbonate is the one known to irritate the GI tract & cause constipation. You might try other forms of iron (NOT ferrous sulfate). With your DS, the polysaccharide might be a good choice since one pill is a lot of elemental iron. Of course, iron & calcium are not taken together, right? Iron shots often leave stains for years, so that would not be a first choice, IMHO
   — vitalady

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