I am scared - I had no idea that diet soda could mess up my pouch.

It's only been 5 1/2 weeks since surgery. Things have been going well but for the water intake. So I tried DS and that worked. But I just read that soda will stretch out your pouch. I tried soda for about two weeks or less. Does anyone think that I messed my pouch up already?    — Jennifer L. (posted on February 26, 2003)

February 25, 2003
I am 6 1/2 months post-op and I can drink a can of coke or a root beer and it doesn't bother me. I don't drink diet, I can't stand the taste. But, I do burp a lot more than usual when I drink soda over water. Obviously. Don't eat anything when you drink soda, because it's gross when it comes back up. All carmelly and nasty. I can't eat much, I eat about 4 ounces in a sitting, within like 20 or 30 minutes. So, I don't really think that my pouch is stretched, because I don't get to eat a whole lot of solid foods and hold them down. I can eat endless salads with no meat or extras. Anyway, don't go over board, I drink about 2 sodas a week and that's about it. Drink it on ice, it's easier on your stomache. Billi - Down 115 pounds.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 25, 2003
My nutritionist said that soda doesnt stretch your pouch...Ive been drinking it since 3 weeks post...and no problem...the only thing you have to be careful with when it comes to carbonated beverages because the carbonation clings to the calcium in your bones and we all know we have a high risk of osteoperosis so just becareful...she tells me no more than 2 servings a week...lucky if i get that much in hehe...OPEN RNY 11/15/02 -62 lbs!
   — sandrac131

February 26, 2003
I am pre op and EVERY surgeon I have seen or every web site I have visited said to stay away from carbonated beverages all together. The gas in the carbonation CAN expand in your pouch and cause it to stretch. Both nutritionist I have visited have said the same. mk
   — Michelle K.

February 26, 2003
Jennifer,We have the same surgeon and I was told that if you want to drink soda just let it get flat.Flat soda is gross.I have tried the flat diet soda and I have to say I would prefer not to get into the soda habit again.I was a 12 pack a day pepsi drinker before surgery.Soda is just not good for you whether it be regular or diet.I don't think you messed up your pouch.Good Luck.
   — tpajeski

February 26, 2003
Dont worry! I have been drinking diet coke since about 4 months out (surgery on 2/22/02) and i have lost 142 pounds so far. I find that on certain days i feel i can eat more, but when i "test" the amount of meat that i can eat at one time, it is almost the same amount as 5 months ago. My doctor says nothing is bad from carbonated drinks other than not getting in enough of water and the calcium part. I do not drink diet coke all the time, but i do drink some every day and i have not had any problems. As far as the stretching the pouch, i dont think it does that because you do have the capability of burping, which releases the "extra" air. A lot of people let it go flat, but i do not. If i get a bottle i may shake it up some so that it is not as fizzy, but i do not drink them flat. One thing to remember is to not drink them very fast. You are doing just fine! Take care!
   — Tammy M.

February 26, 2003
I have agree with the many posters in the past. Carbonated drinks are dangerous for WLS folks. I've not heard of any surgeons that recommend it as being ok. Think about what it can do to your staples! Also, if you pour come coke in a zip lock bag and just sit it on the counter, in just a little while the bag will swell and sometimes burst...not what I want in my pouch. I've heard where you can pour 1/2 cup of coke in a glass bowl and put in a nail. The nail will disovle if given enough time. Again, what does that mean to our staples? I've been off diet coke for 2 years and glad of it. You said you drink diet coke. Be careful with anything with artificial sweetners...they stimulate my appetite. I have to ration my Crystal Light for this reason. Stick to really good filtered water. I use a Brita pitcher and ice...nothing is as good for you as water.
   — Teri D.

February 26, 2003
Come on folks, diet pop does NOT melt your staples, or harm your pouch. If a surgeon recommends you avoid it the reason is gas distention and uncomfortableness. Avoid it early on, the first few times I drank a sip I got bloated pain and did not drink any more. At 4-5 months post I can drink a whole can slowly without ill effect but don't drink it too often, maybe 1 can every couple weeks. My surgeon and his 3 office nurses who have had the surgery all drink Diet Coke and tolerate it just fine.
   — Dana S.

February 26, 2003
I do not drink soda on a regular basis, but occassionally I will have a can of diet root beer or diet Big Red. I would just say drink slowly. The ziplock bag theory really doesn't fly because unlike a sealed plastic bag, your stomach has an opening at both ends where gas can escape. Keep in mind though, your stomach does not drain immediately. So, if you drink soda really fast it will sit in your stomach for a short time and the gases will expand. As for the claim that coke will corrode your staples, I think that's bogus too. If they make staples that can withstand the potent acids found in the human stomach, I think they can stand up to a few ounces of Coca-Cola. And it is my understanding that the stomach tissue eventually grows around the staples. So my answer is cola is not your enemy. If you take small sips and burp when you need to, you should be fine. (IMHO) open RNY 07-08-02 down 133lbs. current weight 254lbs.
   — Jenny S.

February 26, 2003
I am 16 mos post op and have been drinking flat diet soda since about 7-8 mos out. I have had no problems at all. I have lost 179lbs. I drank so much water the first 6 mos it got to a point where I gagged every time I looked at it and I had to drink something....I am sure for the short time you drank soda it was no problem....
   — Marcie B.

February 26, 2003
I agree with Dana, that soda is not harmful, nor will it stretch the pouch. Remember its not like the sealed plastic bag, a pouch has 2 openings, the esophagus and the stoma for the gas/liquids to go into. I think, though, that due to the small space in the pouch, the soda can cause a temporary distended pouch due to the gas in such a small area. I used to have a 6 pack of soda a day pre-op. Since surgery a year ago, I have tried 2 sodas and both times, it felt uncomfortable in the pouch, burped alot-too much, and was too sweet. Besides, I have a hard enough time trying to get in all my water-don't need the soda. But I do know quite a few in the support group that can drink it no problem.
   — Cindy R.

February 26, 2003
Preop and post op I have loved diet Dr. Pepper. I drink 3-4 cans per day and have from my six month anniversery from surgery. Currently 16 months postop, down 170 pounds and doing great. I still cannot eat alot even though I drink diet pop. If you like it and your body can tolorate the gas, go for it. We still must live an enjoyable life.

February 26, 2003
I drink Fresca over ice. It loses a little carbonation that way, and it doesn't make my stomach feel bloated. My surgeon says not to drink ANYthing with carbonation unless you either let it go flat, or diffuse the bubbles a little with some ice. It's not because of the ingredients in soda, it's because of the bubbles and gas it can cause. Every once in awhile, I'll get a craving for a Coke, but I drink Fresca instead. I'm off caffeine and don't want to start back on it again. You're fine, you didn't hurt yourself with soda. You aren't meant to slave away and deprive yourself of every little pleasure. That's why there IS such a thing as diet soda. ;)
   — Diana L.

February 26, 2003
As the Coordinator of a Bariatric Surgery Program I feel compelled to put in my two cents worth here......please don't flame me and please understand that I'm just wanting to provide you with some facts. One poster said it isn't the ingredients in carbonated beverages that is bad for you. This is wrong! It's wrong for two reasons - carbonated beverages leech calcium from our systems and as we all know - we have enough issues with calcium absorption as it is. Secondly, carbonated beverages are very acidic and are notorious for causing ulcers. I've seen it time and again in our patients. Now, would I say that you should never had a carbonated beverage again? No - I'd say it's like anything else - you have to do it in moderation. I wouldn't drink it every day. Maybe once a week would be o.k. and it should be defizzed a bit. Another thing to consider is that scientific studies have shown that carbonated beverages can be a trigger causing us to eat other junky foods. Personally, I have about 1 carbonated beverage a month and I don't find that it makes me want to go on a junk food binge but it might affect some people that way. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that drinking several carbonated beverages a day is NOT good for you and that's a fact. Hope I didn't offend anyone - I'm really a nice gal! Best wishes!
   — ronascott

February 27, 2003
I've been drinking diet coke daily since 2 months post-op. It has NOT stretched my pouch (I've lost 120 pounds in 10 months and am at goal)and I'm 16 months post-op.
   — Patty H.

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