Does anyone have an actual video of surgery?

Hi all. I have tried to download the surgery that is on 'see a surgery.' Unfortunately, my computer won't download it, I never could watch movies on it.. can you tell I bought a second hand computer. Anyway, does anyone know where I can buy an actual video of the open rny surgery? I emailed the guys at the hospital, but they didn't give me an exact web address and I can't find it anywhere. If anyone has one and would be willing to make a copy I would be glad to buy it from you! Or if you know where I can go to buy one. Thanks to all... have a great day and God bless our troops!    — Kelly R. (posted on April 2, 2003)

April 2, 2003
Go to my website <br><p><br><p> A video of the surgery is on there listed as Video of Minimally Invasive Surgery for Morbid Obesity -You will need a player to view it. It is the last link on my page. Good luck.
   — Teena A.

April 2, 2003
No, and I wish I had a video of my surgery. I never thought to ask before if it could be taped. I mentioned it to the surgeon a week or so ago and asked if they had ever video taped one and he said no but thought it would be a good idea to do so they could show it at their informed consent lecture (orientation). It would have been awesome to have. I have video's of both my shoulder surgeries. The only thing they are missing is narration. I remember watching the video of the first shoulder surgery the night of my surgery and when it came time for him to start grinding away the bone I was like WOW - I hope he knew what he was doing as it seemed so much but that's because it was magnified so much. Both of those surgeries were done LAP so that's why it was so easy to video tape. If I was having LAP WLS I would have thought to ask but never crossed my mind with an open. As much as I would like to have the video I don't think I'll go through it again just so I have it. LOL However, if they ever to make a video I would go to the lecture again just to see it. I would find it very interesting and helpful to understand even better what was done to me and exactly how. What can I saw I used to always watch The Operation on TLC. The only thing I could not watch was the cutting of the skin, after that I was fine. I know I'm warped! LOL
   — zoedogcbr

April 3, 2003
Hi, you might try Is this the site you tried to download from originally? If not, give it a try! Good Luck!
   — kathleen-Joan piper

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