I live in florida its hot as #@$% 9 months a year ,I sweat ALOT

Im haveing surgery LAP RNY in two weeks, I have a small ranch "horses cows ect... I sweat so much and I drink way more than 64OZ of h2o and still get dehydration headaches, what can I do after surgery to make life liveable "is there a gatorade or something with extra patasium we can addto water? I have chores I have to do, and water just pours out of me    — jessie J. (posted on July 26, 2003)

July 26, 2003
Sorry its not a answer toi your question but boy are you lucky. I get cold just THINKING about winter! Florida is my favoirite place!!!
   — bob-haller

July 26, 2003
As a post-op, you will not sweat as much. In fact there will be times you are cold. It is summer in Kentucky and I keep a sweater on or an afgan around me in the house. Hubby likes air on all the time. Sorry, I can't answer your question about the drinks.
   — Delores S.

July 26, 2003
Congrats on your surgery! I don't live on a farm, but I am around horses whenever I can.. my partner keeps one.. and I know what its like to be out in the hot sun all day doing horse stuff.. and farm stuff.. sort of... I drink a lot of water then.. and I often hook up my camel bak (or back?) its a water system that goes on like a backpack and sip on it all a long.. an supplement with big bottles of water... I'm guessing you'll sweat less, eventually -- and yes, you'll be surprised at how often you're cold. I had my surgery last summer and this year I can't get over how often I need a jacket these days.. and how cold I get. You could also add a little V-8 into your days... small cans of it here and there.. I had them post op early.. and still get a V8 in every so often.. its the saltiest thing I drink.. and it really satisfies that craving. I would also talk to your doctor a little about this, just to get his/her advice too. Good luck!
   — Lisa C.

July 26, 2003
Hi, I am from FL also... Delray Beach! I am a big sweater, as so many of us are. I don't think there is an upper limit to how much water you can have. I am 2 weks postop, and I have taken in over 100oz several times (usually 70-80). I can now drink it almost as fast as I could before surgery, just not very cold (room temp was what my Dr said). I am also cold a lot of the time as others have said. as for Gatorade, I do remember something about a sugarfree sport water with electrolytes, I just can't remember the name! Good luck!
   — Tim W.

July 26, 2003
I have fallen in love with Propel fitness water by Gatorade. Comes in a variety of flavors and has lots of goodies in it to keep you hydrated and keep your mineral levels up, etc. I put one in the freezer about 30 mins. before I want to have it and it goes down sooooooo nice in this hot weather. I get dehydration headaches too but have had NONE this summer ... had my RNY on 5/23/03 and have been drinking Propel ever since. Who knows - maybe that's why no headaches! It's sugar free and has only about 30 calories per bottle. A great choice for us "sweaters!" Good luck!
   — MomBear2Cubs

July 26, 2003
You should make sure you're getting in sodium (salt) I also use the "Morton's No Salt" for potassium replacement. (650mg of only potassium) I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but I'm SO jealous of you living in Fl! esp in the winter here in MN.
   — ZZ S.

July 26, 2003
CORRECTION: Propel water DOES have 2 gms of sugar but I too drink the heck out of it. I love the new peach flavor too. You should try it. Its wonderful as I hate plain old water. Try it. Jamie (RNY April 23, 2003......-75 lbs)
   — Jamie M.

July 27, 2003
I can relate to the heat...I live a little bit northeast of you on the Space Coast. It's hot and muggy here, too. But when I'm inside in the A/C, I'm freezing. At least two times a day I walk outside into the heat just to 'defrost!" Actually, as I write this from my office, I am sunggled into a sweatshirt jacket zipped up to the neck...I think I'll head outside for a heat break! To combat the heat, I drink about 100 oz of water a day. BTW: Champion Lyte is the sugar-free, carb-free electrolyte replacement drink someone mentioned. Super Wal-Mart down here in Melbourne (FL) carries it, so does our local health food store. -- Jen, RNY 11/12 -102
   — Mrs. Rich

July 28, 2003
I lived in bradenton florida when I had my surgery. after surgery I no longer sweated at all.... I actually get chilled now. I have seen alot of people say the same thing and it's pretty dam awsome not walking outside at 7am and instantly dripping!! good luck theresa
   — theresa D.

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