Weight Loss slowing down?

Hi, I had open RNY on 5/8/03. I am down 82 pounds in five months. I am just wondering what to expect from here on out. I am loosing about 4-8 pounds a month now.    — natjemison (posted on October 22, 2003)

October 22, 2003
Nat, Look at the weightloss planner on this website. You can reach it by looking at the link called "For you", then calculate your BMI. Once you've done that there is anotehr link to the planner. I'm six and a half months out and down 83 lbs and my weightloos has slowed considerably the past couple of months. Per the weightloss lanner I should only be losing around 5 lbs per month from here on out, but I'm only 22 from goal now.
   — Barbara C.

October 22, 2003
Hi there, for me I still loss a considerable amount of weight each month, But I noticed that when ever I did loss fast then a plateau would be next in coming.
   — Naes Wls J.

October 23, 2003
I too, am slowing down as I get closer to goal. I am 6 mos. out and only lost 7 lbs last month when I had been losing 14 to 20. Are you still losing inches? I notice that clothes fit me better at a higher weight than they have in the past. At ay rate, remember it is still a calorie in to a claorie burned that makes you lose. Count your claories and see if that helps. Good luck! gail -94
   — Bama Beach Girl

October 23, 2003
I had my surgery 4 weeks before you did, my weight loss has been at a dead stop for 4 weeks, and last month I had a minimal loss. Even though I am sticking to my high protein diet plan. I am down 75lbs from 283.
   — M B.

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