Does anyone out there have something like this.

Last week I started to have a upset stomach but no real pain. Sunday I started vomiting a few times. Then that cleared up but then Tuesday night I woke up at 3 AM and had to vomit and threw up some black stingy stuff. Then Wendesday AM I had bowel movement and it was coal black. In PM called surgeon and he said to stop a couple meds. Then Thursday morning I started feeling real lite headed and called doctor and he had me have blood test and it showed only a little low blood count and put me on Ulcer meds starting today. My stool is still black but maybe a little lighter. Does this sound like anything any of you have had.    — john59501 (posted on January 29, 2004)

January 29, 2004
Not sure if this is the case, but sounds like you could have a bleeding ulcer. Black, tarry stools is one symptom that you have blood in your stools which could be from a bleeding ulcer. Your doctor sounds like he knows what he is talking about by putting you on ulcer medications. Good luck!
   — Checker B.

January 29, 2004
John, I work for gastroenterologists - and my friend, the group I work for would have you in the ER asap to have you scoped. You MUST demand to be seen ASAP. If your crit is already low at this short a period of a time out, you could have a serious bleed going on. Demand help NOW! dina
   — Dina McBride

January 29, 2004
I am 4 months post op. I had simular systoms also last week. I don't have the bm systoms, I did have the vomiting and naueousness.My Dr. put me on ulcer medication too. I am taking carafate every 3 hours,24 hiours a day. I am getting scoped on Feb. 18th. The carafate works great its just hard getting up at 2am to take that little pill. Lap RNY 9/23/03 257/185

January 29, 2004
YES, YES, YES I had this. Blackish dark red stools, low blood count, dizziness, weakness. my surgeon had me come immediately to the hospital and started transfusing me with blood. no other test were necessary to tell him I had what is known as a GI Bleed. It stopped by itself intwo days butI had been bleeding for three or four days before being admitted back to the hospital. I had to stay for seven days. This was not after my wls but after a surgery i had for bowel obstruction the year before. I had to have several pints of blood. i was bleeding where the intestines were connected after the obstruction was removed. You need to go to the ER> Your surgeon sounds not very caring. Sorry, but I am a nurse and a patient who has been there and done that.
   — Delores S.

January 30, 2004
Hi John - I have to agree with my fellow nurses - I'm concerned that you're not being scoped. Blood counts can change quickly and they need to see where the bleeding is and if the problem is resolving. This is something that can be fixed for sure - but I'd really like to see you go to ER if your surgeon is so casual about this- way better to err on the side of caution. Good luck to you - I'm confident you'll be fine - just please get checked out ASAP and please let us know!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 31, 2004
PLEASE GO TO THE ER! I went through this 4 mos. post-op, and my surgeon kept me in ICU for four days, saying these GI bleeds can go to crap (pun unintended) before you know it. He even insisted I be transported by ambulance the hour drive from my home to his hospital. It was easily fixed, so I don't mean to scare you, but it's potentially very serious. With our unique internal makeup, many physicians may not correctly identify the problem too. Case in point: my stool was bright red, and what backed up into my esophagus was dark red to black and like coffee grounds. Conventional wisdom would tell you I had a bleed near the end of my colon, not in the stomach. But I had a bleeding ulcer! Unfortunately they did a colonoscopy FIRST before the endoscope! Oh well; I'd already exposed my bum to more people than I could count those several days - what was one more probe (with good drugs)??!! Good luck!
   — Steve R.

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