Not taking B-12 - anyone do this?

It's been sooo long since I've written - now I'm in trouble and I need help. I am 4+ years post-op (RNY on 3/15/00) and have had no trouble what so ever. I took a weekly sublingual B-12 tablet for 2 years and felt so good. Then, I ran out of the B-12, and dumb me, I just forgot - and haven't taken any B-12 for 2 years. About 6 weeks ago, I started feeling really weak, fatigued, no energy, etc. My gp ordered a hemoglobin count blood test and mine tested at 6.6 - with normal being between 12 and 16. I was immediately sent to a gastroenterologist and he ordered an endoscopy for the next day - with two units of blood transfused to me immeidately after the scope. Saw nothing in the endoscopy. Next he did a colonoscopy - again nothing. Then a small bowel xray series - again nothing. Finally, he did a capsule endoscopy (swallowed a camera). He "thought" he saw erosions on the small intestine and since I was using Vioxx for arthritis, immediately took me off that. Two days after the camera deal, I started feeling really weak and had a dark stool - was told to get to the E.R. immediately. Did, and my hemoglobin was again 6.6. Admitted to the hospital and had, over the next four days, 6 more units of blood. Went to my g.p. about 5-6 days later, and again my hemoglobin was 6.6. Again the next day, two more units of blood. I had tried to tell the gastro doc and my gp about the malabsorption thing and the fact that I had not taken in any B-12 for over 2 years - they looked at me like I was crazy - and didn't pursue that. Now, I am scheduled to see a hemotologist this next Tuesday and as of last Thursday, my hemoglobin was 8.6. At least a little progress. Does anyone know of a similar situation? I am low on iron - and after doing some research on the internet, I have self-diagnosed as having pernicious anemia - caused by having a stomach surgery and not taking B-12 for a period of two years. Does any of this ring any bells? If it does, please email me quickly - as I need this information in hand before I see this hemotologist and maybe, just maybe, I can grab his attention. I apologize for this being so long - but after ten units of blood - and still only having a hemoglobin count of 8.6 and no good veins - I'm a basket case. Love to everyone - saw a couple of names that are familiar from the old days. A special hello to Michele Curran and Ray Hooks. Love to all. Sandy Combs    — Sandy C. (posted on May 29, 2004)

May 29, 2004
Sandy, I'm iron anemic and don't know much about B-12 anemia. However I received an iron infusion May 3. I just started feeling better last week. I went to the hematologist Friday and asked WHY it takes so long to feel better. He explained it to me in very complicated terms that I didn't completely understand. But I'll try to share what the bottom line. A blood cell lasts 120 days. When you get an iron infusion it stores the iron in your liver. When your body makes new blood cells the new blood cells have iron. Since my infusion was less than a month ago I still have mostly old anemic blood cells. HOWEVER I should continue to feel better for the next 90 days as the new iron rich blood cells replace the old cells. When I got the infusion I could walk from one room to another shuffling and holding on to things. Now I can shop the mall. I feel much better even though I am still very anemic. I look forward to being able to exercise. My advise to anyone anemic before surgery- GET IT FIXED BEFORE SURGERY!!!! Robin 247/194/130
   — 100less

May 29, 2004
Are you sure its B12 anemia? They can test to see if its iron or B12. Mine is iron. Do you have periods?
   — 100less

May 29, 2004
My dad is following a similar pattern, but his B12 is due to age. We slow down mfr of B12 after age 50, ANYWAY, so no buddy for B12 to travel with. I have shot down Vioxx and Celebrex for the exact reason you mentioned--may feel no pain and bleed, ANYWAY. I am currently guinea-pigging Celebrex Suppositories, which do no touch the gut, but may still do damage via the bloodstream. B12 is a seaparate type of anemia from iron anemia. How low is your B12? I am currently doing 1 ML shot IM twice/week because my stress-o-meter is over the top an it beats heading for the kitchen. Hopefully they are testing you quite regularly?
   — vitalady

May 30, 2004
Hi Sandy: Your story could have been mine word for word. I currently have a count of 7.1,had the endoscope AND colonoscopy 2 Fridays ago.They want to do a berrium enema in 2 weeks one though has mentioned giving me blood. I am so tired that I can't hardly function. I have been taking 150 mg iron that my PCP told me to take and it only gives me HORRIBLE diaharrea every day along with an upset tummy most of the time. My surgeon said to do the 2 tests that they have done. I don't know what to do now. Someone said something about iron injections or suppositories for better absorbtion to get my counts up. My muscles hurt so terribly and my business partner thinks that I am borderline hypocondriac. My husband says he got a defective wife and the neighbors all want to start a life insurance pool on me. They jokingly say that I am a sure payoff (ha ha ha). I don't know where to turn next. My dr's all just want to do another test. They are really digging for a bleed I guess. You would have thought by now that they realize that I don't have one. Any suggestions anyone??? Like you, I pretty much self diagnosed myself also with anemia. I want to just wake up every mornig and feel good. Keep me updated on your status Sandy....Joi Gonzalez....
   — Joi G.

May 30, 2004
I can't directly answer your question, but would suggest that if you are having an iron profile done make sure that they also run a Ferritin test to give the complete story about what your iron is doing. With the B12 test make sure that they are also running a Homocysteine test so that they can better determine what the B status is. I know my biggest complaint with my post-surgery labs has been neither test was included with the whole panel of other things that were being checked. Hopefully you have a copy of your labs and can do a quick check to see if these two tests were included. Good luck on finding an answer and resolution soon. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

May 30, 2004
I had the same problem! My hemoglobin went down to 5 2 weeks after surgery. I was admitted in the hospital and had all the tests done. They found nothing. I am low on iron so they put me on that, but never really found out what the problem was. I am fine now and have not had any other episodes.
   — shalandar

May 30, 2004
Sandy, I know your problem related to post-op, but this was a big problem for me pre-op and it was discovered I had a tumor. Tumors take on their own life-line and suck the blood out of an individual, along with feeling tired and weight gain. I took care of the tumor before the surgery, and have not taken any iron supplements my range is 12-14. My tumor was non-cancerous (most are cancer-free). Then I keep green veggies in my food plan i.e., spinich, broculli(sp) mustard greens. HOPE YOU GET RESOLVED, see your GYN or ask doctor to check for tumors - they tend to hide in the strangest places and act like aliens taking over our bodies.
   — Anna M.

May 30, 2004
Sandy I have a friend the has prenicious anemia and has not had gastric bypass but is missing a gene that causes the stomach to absorb b-12 from the foods and vitamins she takes and so therefore takes the b-12 injections to keep this under control. On us the part of the stomach that absorbs the b-12 is the part that is bypassed this was explained in detail to me by my PCP as to the importance of the injection over the pills, I hope this helps you out..Nancy
   — nefish

May 30, 2004
Hi Sandy, I just went to the doctor 4 weeks ago becasue I was feeling like crap. Hadn't had a B-12 shot in 6 months. Well you guessed it pernicious anemia. Had the shot...feeling better. Three years out...100 pounds lost...diagnosed with Breast Cancer...this surgery saved my life...good luck! jb
   — jillyb

July 18, 2006
I can't find any indication of date on this post . . . but yes, B12 deficiency. If I were you, I'd immediately start doing a B12 shot *EVERYDAY*, until level is over 1000, preferably around 2000. I use vet vitamin solution, and have been for about 2 years, 2-3 injections per week. But in a severely deficient situation, *every day* is indicated, for a month or more. Get that level up to 2000, then KEEP it there. The information about this, and instructions on how to inject the vitamin yourself, are here: and here: Still more information here: syringe #CS-W4 **** Important! I am *not* a doc, just a 3 year post-op, with an interest in, and much research on post-op nutrition. Here are 2 articles from medical sources . . . remember to point out that besides malabsorption, you have no access to intrinsic factor when you talk to docs. Both of these are indicators of the need for supplementation. Good luck! and please let us know how you fare?
   — rayehawk

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