
What a week this has been, all I do is think about food. I graze. And it shows, gained 3 pounds, this has to stop. ARGHHHHHHHHHH. I am hopeless sometimes, all I do is think about food. Today, well, I'm going to be better. I only have 10 pounds to goal and Aug. 8, will be my 2 year anniversary. I read profiles, and they are all so good, making to goal and below. Am I a minority here? Why is it so hard now?    — penciepaws (posted on July 14, 2004)

July 14, 2004
It's called carb addiction. It helps to eliminate all refined sugar and white flour to reduce cravings. If you're really sensitive, some fruits and grains will cause problems too. Read the South Beach Diet for a good explanation of the physical aspects, and for a great list of foods that help prevent those cravings. It's hard... I fight it every day because some of the things I like to eat I know will cause me to crave more and more. If I stick to mostly protein and veggies during the day for my meals and snacks it helps me stay in control.
   — mom2jtx3

July 14, 2004
Even though I will be 6 wks out this Friday, my doctor told me if I got to a plateau to either cut back on my food or increase my exercise. Also, I think cutting out the carbs will help. You sound a little frustrated. If you can't see a therapist, a support group leader would be great. You are too close to your goal to let it get to you. If nothing else, call your doctor who did the surgery. Good luck...judy
   — juju524

July 14, 2004
Mary, I am a little over a year and a half out and I am doing the same thing!!!!I am going to read about the South Beach Diet before I gain back my weight!!!!I know I am addicted to CARBS....Nancy
   — NANCY P.

July 14, 2004
Mary, I read your profile. Thanks for keeping it updated. I will say that you are driving yourself nuts over losing the last 10 pounds-have been for a while, and the other thing is that you mention grazing on bad stuff over a many months long period. I think the fact that you do so much exercise is what is keeping you from gaining. But because you are grazing, its keeping you from losing more. You mentioned a while back that you are a size question is, for one who likes to eat so much (I eat junk too), why bother to lose 10 more? Why not be happy where you are, eating what you can and keeping it off by exercising? Keep in mind that if you ever do lose 10 more pounds (and the only way to do this is to stop grazing-take in less calories), you will have to continue to eat less to keep any additional pounds off! If you find it hard now, what would it be like if you lost 10 more??? I try to advise people to select a comfortable weight as a goal that you can maintain FOR LIFE. If you like to graze or eat some junk, or don't like to do too much exercise, then adjust your goal weight, because during the initial weight loss, when you can lose it fairly easy, too many go down to sizes 2,4,6,8 because they can. Then they lament that they cannot maintain and EAT. Take a look at what non-WLS size 2-4's eat, not much!! OK, maybe a few are blessed with fast metabolisms but the majority of them eat very little and even "forget" to eat. Now that amazes me, forgetting to eat! Not in my vocabulary...the point is that its all a calories game. The higher your size and weight, the more calories needed to keep you at that weight, and of course, the opposite applies.
   — Cindy R.

July 14, 2004
You are not alone! This seems to be the next phase of WLS and the most important. I am 20 months out and grazing like crazy and tolerating all kinds of foods in increasing amounts. This is terrifing for most of us as we are so used to losing then regaining plus. It is different this time! I believe we will be successful but need to think and eat like our thin freinds. I am watching them and questioning them to get their weight control tips, some have helped already. I also believe strongly in therapy to identify old triggers that cause my out of control eating. I pray in 10 years we all find we have maintained just fine and all this worry over our increased tolerance for food was no big deal! Here's to our success! RNY 11/02 300/140/150
   — cathy G.

July 14, 2004
You all make me feel so much better. Thank you for all the support. This is a great family to be in.
   — penciepaws

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