how long should it take to have your picture put in your profile by the photo team?

   — g S. (posted on August 20, 2004)

August 19, 2004
It may take several weeks. They are all volunteers and work on posting the photos when they have the time. If you received and auto-reply when you sent the pics in, then they have them in the queue and will get to them as time permits. It all just depends on the number of pics they have waiting and the time constraints of the volunteers.
   — Ali M

August 20, 2004
I have had them post 3 pictures to my Profile and it usually took them a few HOURS to send me a notice that it had been posted. Never did I have to wait a couple of weeks. I am very pleased with the speed that they get my pictures posted. Send your picture to [email protected] or [email protected] .they both have done mine in just a matter of a few hours.
   — cindirella

August 21, 2004
LOL! Clearly, it all depends, as you can tell from your answers. They are volunteers, bless their hearts, and sometimes they're a little further behind than others. Sometimes it seems almost immediate, though. I was told by my volunteer if you don't hear back from them within about 2 weeks, to email them and check on it. Your request might have gotten lost in cyberspace. That happened to me, but when I checked back in, Leilani took care of mine for me immediately. She's the best! :)
   — christied

August 21, 2004
I've done or updated mine 4 times in the past two+ years, and I think it took about 10 days three of those times, and a few hours on the a fourth occasion. Patience . . . .
   — Suzy C.

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