Is it normal to feel prolonged pain in the port area after an adjustment?

I recently had a fill and am now feeling pain in the port area just like I did right after surgery. I am now 9 months post op. I can not sleep on either side anymore without pain. I can only sleep on my back. Maybe the port moved during the fill, but it is like starting over. Is there something wrong?    — [email protected] (posted on August 25, 2005)

August 25, 2005
I found this info on a site that had Q & A about PO lap-band life. Do I have to be careful with the access port? There are no restrictions based on the access port. It is placed under the skin in the abdominal wall, and once the incisions have healed it should not cause discomfort or restrict your movements or any physical exercise. The only sensation you may have from the port is when you go in for adjustments. If you feel persistent discomfort in the port area, let us know as soon as possible Hopefully, it is info that you can use.
   — ChristineB

August 25, 2005
Original poster again. I would suggest that you contact your doctor about the discomfort that you are having.
   — ChristineB

August 26, 2005
Did your doc have trouble doing your fill? Did he miss the port? You could have a hematoma or a build up of scar tissue. Feel free to read my saga! Brenda F in MO. Please call your doc b4 the weekend!
   — 2muchgirl4u ~

August 26, 2005
how long agon was your fill? my port is usually sore after a fill for several days--and my doc always hits it on the first try. can't say it is sore like right after surgery...then again, mine wasn't so sore after surgery. bottom line--listen to your body and if it is hurting for more than a week after the fill, call your doc.
   — jessicamegan

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