I approached my PCP for a surgery referral, she is supportive but

referred me to an obesity clinic instead. She will refer for surgery but wanted me to talk with these people first (of course, this is NOT covered by my insurance while the actual surgery IS). Is this normal? The waiting period for an appointment is 3 months--this could go on forever! I have already made my first appointment with a surgeon but I'm afraid that my health will continue to deteriorate while waiting! Any words or encouragement?!?!?!?!    — jenn2002 (posted on July 3, 2001)

July 3, 2001
Well my PCP. was not extreamly supportive either. I ended up going for my consultation with out his referal. then getting it later for insurance purposes only. I went to BTC on May 8th and my surgury is Aug. 1st. every thing went really fast if you would like my information on hospital and surgeon let me know. [email protected]
   — Dee D.

July 3, 2001
Many surgeons who perform this surgery have an intensive before and aftercare program. You must go through a series of visits with different people before meeting the surgeon. Does the surgeon you selected have such a program? If so, let your PCP know that you will be evaluated thoroughly by the surgeon's specialists - psych eval, medical eval. If your surgeon does not have an extensive before & aftercare program, I'd consider getting a surgeon who does. This is a life changing surgery and you will need the support before and after for the reat of your life.
   — Lisa B.

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