questions psychologist ask

I have heard that when you have your 1st visit the psychologist asks you all kinds of questions to see if you are prepared for this surgery. He decides by your answers. Can anyone tell me what kind of questions do they ask? Do they try to trick you? I want this done for medical reasons. I have asthma, herniated disk in back, bad legs etc. Can someone one help me out?    — marcia W. (posted on July 3, 2001)

July 3, 2001
I just had my psych exam on Friday and found that it was very simple. I too was worried about failing, but it went well. I had to take a 500+ questionare and have it scored, and I passed. It asked me a variety of questions. Do you want to be a librarian, Do you enjoy Crime books, Do you have thoughts of harming yourself, As a child did you love your dad, Do you ever feel sad for unkown reasons. These were just a few, but I just answered honestly. I was told there are no right or wrong answers so I stopped trying to figure out the right answer and just relaxed. You will do fine, just be truthfull. Good Luck!
   — [Anonymous]

July 3, 2001
It's a vey simple process to basically see if you are emotionally stable - basically not ready to jump off the nearest bridge. Be honest about any past experiences that led to your eating behaviors. It's very typical that people who are morbidly obese suffered major traumas in their life to include sexual abuse or rape.
   — Lisa B.

July 5, 2001
I had several psych tests. I had to draw a picture of a house, a picture of a man, and a picture of a woman. I also took about a 600 question "test." After the results came back in, I asked "Why" about the tests. The answer I got was that certain people with certain disorders tend to draw things a certain way. FOr example, people who are skisophrenic (phonetic spelling, sorry)...tend to draw people with no necks. People who are depressed draw houses with no windows. As far as the test, you'll notice that they will ask the same questions two or three times, only they work them differently to see if they get the same answers. For example, do you ever think of commiting suicide..then 20 questions you ever think of killing yourself? Same question, worded differently. My suggestion is to answer the questions truthfully. They questions are designed to pick up if you answer dishonestly. If you didn't feel like your Dad loved you, then answer as such. They won't kick you out of surgery for it. Be open and honest and you'll do fine.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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