Has anyone become a living donor (liver) after surgery?

I have finally gotten the ball rolling, and started making my way through the red tape of getting approved when we found out that a family relative needs a living donor for a partial liver transplant. And I am a match. My question is is it possible for me to do it after surgery... or before? Or will I there be too much stress put on my own liver from my surgery? how do I begin to choose?    — Marleen M. (posted on September 20, 2001)

September 20, 2001
Only the transplant surgeon can answer this one. Living donor liver transplants are so new that even he/she won't have any direct experience with this. You didn't say how much you weigh, but, it is entirely possible that you might be a good match...but... not a good risk for the surgery. Talk to the experts. However, if you are physically able to be a donor. Then that should take precedence. You could have wls anytime after you recovered fro, the liver surgery......the transplant is a life or death procedure and time is a factor.
   — [Anonymous]

September 20, 2001
As the others have said, it really would be best to talk to doctors instead of us, but at the same time I'd like to comment. Obviously the relative is in some need for them to be talking transplant. You don't say if you have serious co-morbs that mean your life is in immediate danger. I don't know about post-surgery donation and effects on your liver. But what I do know is the liver is an incredible organ, and as long as you remain relatively healthy after the donation, your liver will regenerate itself to good as new. So if you have the time, you could donate, wait for your liver to regrow to normal, then full steam ahead with the weight-loss. What's a little wait when you could be saving someone's life? But if you must go forward with the surgery for your life, don't feel guilty. You have to do what you have to do. Best of luck.
   — Tracy L.

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