How is it possible to gain weight?

I am 6 months post op and I joined weight watches with my mom for moral support. I was shock today to see that i had gained a lb. Nothing is different in my diet I even exercised more this past week than I have in the past 6 months. I am so confused.    — Jennifer L. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 10, 2002
It's more than likely just water weight. Heck I pee out almost four pounds overnight, everynight.
   — [Anonymous]

January 10, 2002
If you're lifting weights, you could be gaining some muscle, which weighs more than fat. Are your clothes looser? That's the real test - not a one-pound gain!
   — Angie M.

January 10, 2002
Could be sodium intake also. I walked a gazillion miles a couple of months ago touring Europe and I just KNEW I had lost at least 7-10 lbs for sure. I weighed before I left and I weighed when I returned (mornings for both weigh-ins). I have a doctors scale. I was shocked to see that I had not lost one ounce, nor had I gained even one ounce. I had stayed exactly the same weight from 3-1/2 weeks previously. I thought what is the point in walking a lot or even exercising if I'm not going to get any results. Of course, I did feel better, had more energy and slept great. About three days after I got home I lost about 3 lbs. and I was happy. Don't worry about gaining a little -- everyone's weight fluctuates during the day and night. Don't weigh all the time though.
   — [Anonymous]

January 10, 2002
It is possible that the scales are different or that you had gained fluid throughout the day. Each scale is calibrated differently and the time you weigh does matter because you weight flucuates in accordance to intake. I wouldn't worry too much about it until the difference is more like five pounds. Good luck and God Bless.
   — ShayZ

January 10, 2002
I am responding anonymously because I would probably get beaten up otherwise. My honest opinion about WW is they tinker with the scales....just my opinion. I have been a member for lord knows how long (still am for moral support). Now my reasoning is how can you gain 2 pounds a week for 2 weeks, then lose 8 in one week. I truthfully think they tinker with the scales to keep people coming back.
   — [Anonymous]

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