Does anybody know of a place to swim in Kansas City?

I need to find a place to swim in Kansas City that I do not have to pay an arm, and a leg for. I live in Kansas City North, and have been looking around for awhile, but everything I have found including the YMCA does not have just a pool package. They Bundle all the weight lifting, and other stuff I do not want, or need right now. I just want to be able to swim, and just pay for that. I guess I am asking if anyone knows where I can go to swim cheaply near my home.    — sbinkerd1 (posted on January 15, 2002)

January 15, 2002
Have you looked into what your local Parks & Recreation district has to offer? Also, some of the public schools have swimming pools that are open to the public one or two times a week. I'm speaking for where I live in Colorado, but it's sure worth a couple of phone calls to find out.
   — garw

January 15, 2002
Hiya Scott =). Have you checked with local hospitals? I swim occasionally at the state hospital about 10 miles from where I live, it's only open two nights a week's free!!! I too love to swim and hate waiting for warmer weather to get in the pool. Good luck!
   — DebPKansas

April 6, 2002
If there is a local college they normally open the pool to the public. Most high schools will in the winter after swim team. Also the YMCA is not suppose to turn you away for lack of money. It is one of the mission statements (I believe) I applied for a scholarship. I told them how much I wanted to pay and why. No problem. I actually only got it for 6 months until the public pool opens for the summer. If you check the Y they have free nights too in some areas. You don't have to pay. See if a local hotel has a fitness center they sell memeberships too. Our nicest hotel has a fitness center that is open to the public. This includes the pool.
   — Rebecca K.

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