How common is it for you to be approved by the surgeon when the dietitan reccommends.

How common is it for you to be approved by the surgeon when the dietitan reccommends you for nutrition classes instead of reccommends surgery. I had a screening with the dietitian and thats what she did, but my acual consult is in a few days with the surgon. She recommended it because I don't have a supervised diet. What are the chances that he will approve me? Dr. Balfour of Hawaii, no co morbids.. age 21 5ft, 265lbs.??? Please help or share stories.. thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 18, 2002)

January 19, 2002
Aloha, I am 5 weeks post-op, and a patient of Dr. Balfour. When you go in for your consult, he will have you fill out a questionaire about your history and any medical problems you may have. This is for the purpose of determining whether your are a candidate for the surgery, and whether your insurance will pay. Don't forget that co-morbidities don't just include hypertension and diabetes. For insurance purposes, things like frequent skin rashes (where flesh rubs against flesh), shortness of breath when walking, urinary incontinence/leakage, etc., also count. So look at the items listed and check off all that apply. It may also be helpful to write down a list of all of the weight loss attempts you've made in your lifetime, and the results. Take this with you. If he feels you're a candidate, and you decide to submit for insurance authorization, that can be included. If it is a compelling list, with many attempts and failures, it can work in your favor. Please email me privately (see my profile) as I would like to put you in contact with our local support group.
   — Joya K.

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