How soon after surgery can I do normal housecleaning??

You know, vacuuming, scrubbing the bathtub, sweeping, mowing the lawn, gardening? My roomie will have to pick up the slack while I'm recovering, but for how long? I certainly don't want to push it and risk my recovery. Thanks!    — LaRayne H. (posted on February 23, 2002)

February 23, 2002
I started the day after I got home. I was promised that things would get done so for the first day I waited and watched. Nothing. Finally I had enough! I started in. Why would WLS be any differant for me than any of my 2 c- sections? (got no help then either) I married a selfish man who only thinks of himself,and takes me for granted. I am 1 month out and cant wait to get this weight off! I'll show him that I will not be took for granted. I love this man, BUT Heads are gonna Roll! sorry to vent. Just dont do anything that will hurt you. and whear your binder tight when your up and working.
   — Ruth S.

February 23, 2002
I had a rough recoup time and didn't have the strength for more than loading the dishwasher for at least 2-3 weeks. By 6 weeks I was ok to do the heavier stuff but DH was doing a good enough job that I didn't have to. Even at 9 weeks now, I still "feel" it if I vaccuum or mop the floor. Anything that makes me use my abs too much will make me sore that evening. I just put back on my binder and it does help a bit. The trick is trying to get that darned thing back on by!
   — Barbi B.

February 23, 2002
Hi, well to help out even though I couldn't really help out right after surgery, a couple of days before surgery, i did everything I possible could to make it easier on my family with chores. I mopped, vacuumed, mowed the lawn, did all the laundry, went grocery shopping, just basically did enough chores so that the main focus of the others around me wasn't housework during my recovery. I was up and helping out in about 4 days after, just light stuff, dishes, folding clothes, but nothing major. Best of luck to you! :)
   — Carey N.

February 23, 2002
I was advised by my doctor to not even do "light" housekeeping for the first few weeks. I was blessed that my husband got laid off the day I was released from the hospital and was home for 6 weeks! He did EVERYTHING! Took care of me and the house and kids. I was SO lucky! I am a little over 2 mos. out and just like one of the previous posters said...I can still feel it when i vacuum. I am a neat freak and get physically uncomfortable when I see mess. I pretty much made a sanctuary in my bedroom and stayed there ALOT! My hubby isn't as picky as me and I didn't want to nag him about the house because he was doing his best! Try not to worry about the house and put your focus on getting better. The dirt will still be there when you are better! LOL
   — Karen B.

February 23, 2002
I started doing things like the laundry the day I came home from the hospital. I only did some light housecleaning for that first week but after that I did it all and had no problems. I think it depends alot on whether you have your surgery done Open or Lap. Recovery time is much shorter with Lap surgeries! Good Luck. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

February 23, 2002
As far as my husband knows, it's TWO YEARS. LOL
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 23, 2002
I will return to work after 6 weeks recovery. Not only do I have to think, once or twice a day I have to lift 100 lbs. I think after 6 weeks you should be able to do your housework
   — Robert L.

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