Any changes in appetite with increased exercise?

I'm seven months post-op today (lap RNY) and weight loss has really slowed for me so a couple of weeks ago I started to focus on my exercise. Currently I'm working out at a gym 5-6 times a week for about an hour per day including 20 minutes on stairmaster, 12 minutes on recumbent bike, and 30 minutes of walking/jogging on the treadmill (and strength training every other day). In an hour this burns about 475 calories for me (weight is 170). I feel great but I've noticed a huge increase in my appetite since increasing my exercise. I don't think it's head hunger as my body seems to be screaming for food. I have to struggle to stay around 1000 calories per day including 300 calories of protein supplement. Could the increased appetite be from the exercise and if so, what can I do to supress my desire to pig out?    — Angelia M. (posted on February 23, 2002)

February 23, 2002
Yes, because of the increase in exercise you will experience an increase in appetite! I had the same thing happen when I started to work out more vigorously and wondered, so I asked the nutritionist and the surgeon and my PCP, and they all said yes, that it was due to the exercise and that I needed to respond to my body's demands and give it more. I do so with very healthy foods, mostly protein and some carbs from lots of veggies and fruit. I definately think that if you are only getting 1000 calories and working off over 400 then your body is starving! You are really only keeping 600, and not even that much really because you are burning calories even at rest, especially for a few hours after working out. I get in around 1300-1500 now, and I am 9 months post op. Just today my PCP said to maintain I will need to get closer to 2000 (at which I GASPED!!!!)due to the amount of exercise I am doing. I don't think that is possible and it terrifies me to think about eating THAT much, but I do know that your body is hanging on to everything it can because you are working off so much of what you are getting. I would add some more protein and some complex carbs and I think you will see good results. Keep up the great work and best of luck!
   — Vicki K.

February 23, 2002
Hello! Even though I am pre op at this point, I wanted to say I understand completely what you mean. Exercise increases my appetite tremendously!! However, I have noticed this surge in appetite only when I am going to the gym and working with weights, or doing heavy cardio exercise. It does not happen when I walk. I can powerwalk for up to an hour a day, and lose weight like crazy, (my weight loss almost doubles when walking) but no increase in hunger pains.
   — ScatCat

February 23, 2002
I started swimming a few days a week, for 1.5 hours of vigirious activity. My appetite soared, and the first week I lost over 3 pounds. Struggled to not eat too much. That was around 202 pounds. I am now 190 and stopped swimming, because of swimmers ear. Hopefully I can begin swimming again soon, I miss the activity.
   — bob-haller

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