Is cutting my hair short a better option to slow my massive hair loss.

I am 4 months post-op Lap RNY with major complications. I am down 80lbs. My hair loss started slowly about 6 weeks ago but now has excellerated massively. Will cutting my hair short make it not look so thin and maybe help some with the loss?    — Sue V. (posted on March 21, 2002)

March 21, 2002
Don't know about it looking not quite so thin if it's short, but the length of your hair doesn't really have anything to do with how much you lose. It can look like you're losing more when it's long, but that's only because 200 strands of long hair look like more on the shower floor than the same 200 strands of shorter hair.
   — garw

March 21, 2002
I think it helps psychologically if you see less hair on the floor, in the sink, on your brush, everywhere else. LOL I cut my almost shoulder length hair to a chin-length bob. I had lost enuf weight by then to carry it off so I didn't have moon-face like I did when my hair was that short before. I think it did give my hair more volume because my hair is naturally coarse and curly and heavy. The shorter length took some of the weight off. You might consider some subtle layering to add volume, also. Good luck! Sounds like you are doing fantastic on your weight loss--80 lbs in 4 mos! WOW!
   — ctyst

March 21, 2002
When I noticed my hair falling out I started taking a 'hair, skin & nails' formula by Futurebiotics, it stopped my hair loss in it's tracks and I noticed regrowth within two weeks. I started taking the recommended dose, three a day, but was getting too many vitamins and doc knocked me back to one a day. It's still working though :) I started taking them about 4 months post-op & had to break them in half. Good Luck!
   — DonnaCarol

March 21, 2002
Sue, do you have a hairdresser that you trust? Ask her what style would look good on you while your letting your hair settle down. Short is probably better, and layered, but they are the experts.
   — Cindy R.

March 21, 2002
Sue, I have already talked to my hairdresser about this problem. I am 3 1/2 mo Post-Op and have not had any real hair loss. I wear my hair long, but it I loose too much it will look too thin so we decided to cut my hair shorter and very layered so that the loss would not be noticable. Since I have not had any loss I will keep my hair long, but if I do...Cut it. Hey it will always grow back and I might like the change.
   — Terri H.

March 21, 2002
Sue, I'm pre-op, but due to health conditions I lost a LOT of hair. Truthfully, my long hair being so terribly thin made me look horrible. Uggh! In fact my hair was so thin they couldn't layer it! It was a big decision for me, in fact took 2 cuts to do it, but I got my hair cut short about a month ago. I LOVE it! My hair looked thicker right off. And I've been using an all natural product called Therapro (shampoo, conditioner, scalp treatment) and my hair is getting noticably thicker! Yea!! I'm thrilled and say go for it! It'll eventually grow out if you hate it but for now your hair can look thicker and fuller.
   — Shelly S.

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