looking for postops who were 350+

Would like to here from some Post-ops whe started at 350+. I had surgery 12/10/01 and am down 87lbs. I exercise and get in about 80-100grams of protien a day but am still tired by the time I get home from work (desk job, not a lot of stress) Just wondering who else started around this weight and how close to goal did you get and about how long did it take you? Thanks for reading.    — ann M. (posted on April 4, 2002)

April 4, 2002
Hi I started out over 400 pounds and lost down to the 200's but I have recently put 60 pounds of it back on but am currently on a journey to take it back off plus some. Your progress is good and do not pressure yourself too hard, but you may want to try to get in more water 60-90 ounces per day should just start your loosing again.
   — anitawilson

April 4, 2002
I started at 392 pounds and have lost 175 pounds and still losing.. hoping to get another 80 or so pounds gone before I am done.. You mentioned that you get 80-100 gms of protein daily... in what form.. I drink 150 gms of pre digested whey protein in protein shake form daily and have lots of energy.. I am 16 mo post op from original surgery and 8 weeks post op from last surgery.. I also have to deal with lupus, and fibro on a daily basis.. If you are getting all your protein in food sources alone, you might consider trying to get a portion of protein through protein supplements.. at least 60-90 gms a day.. Best of luck to you.. Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

April 4, 2002
Hi: Well...I was at 346 when I had the surgery. I am 14 months post of and have lost about 180lbs. (currently at 166) I am still loosing, although much slower. I was told by my doc that I would probably loose another 15lbs or so when I have a TT (Trying to switch insurance co now to see if I can get it covered) I do, however, exerciese 6 days a week. I truly believe that is why I am still loosing!! So, besides getting in protien, and water...get in your excerise. It obviously helps you loose, but it also does give you more energy throught the day, AND it makes you sleep better at night! Good luck to you!
   — Karen A.

April 4, 2002
I had my surgery 6.5 months ago. I started out at 361 lbs. I've lost 148 lbs...and for the past few days I've been standing still at 213. I'm 5' 11'' and I'm appx 38 lbs from my personal goal of 175. I do get most of my protein in. I don't have a desk job...I'm a student and I do get a moderate amount of walking between classes, bulidings or just treking to my car!...I also have a 4 year old, dogs and a house to maintain, so I get all my excercise in without hitting the gym. Is that a good thing??? :o)
   — Kristin R.

April 4, 2002
When I made the consult appointment with my surgeon, I weighed in at 361. The day of the appointment I was 357. The day of the surgery, I was 347. Try not to pressure yourself too much. I've lost 97lbs. since surgery in July 2001. If you compare yourself to me, you're waaaaaay ahead of the game. I'm in the midst of one those plateaus from hell. I exercise, I drink water, and NOTHING -- not one pound lost since mid-January. I take in protein in food form (lots and lots of chicken or tuna) and a drink mix. I also got hooked on tofu.
   — Jennifer P.

April 4, 2002
I am a 2 1/2 yrs PO from lap BPD/DS where I started at 365, 5'11", BMI 51. I stabilized at 175, still 5'11" lol, BMI 24 a year ago. During my first year PO I worked out 4 - 5 days a week at the Y until it became clear that no amount of exercise was going to impact the stretched out redundant skin. I spent the last year having reconstructive PS and had it all removed, which probably accounts for about 25 lbs of loss in skin removal. I have not hit the gym in over a year nor modified my eating (except to push protein) since surgery (except during early PO) and the weight came off effortlessly and I maintain my "goal" weight for over a year no matter what I eat. If I eat a lot, I'll have an extra BM in the morning, or one in the evening. My surgery has really been a miraculous blessing. I ate lunch yesterday w a co-worker who is considering DS surgery and she said as I sampled her barbecued ribs in addition to my prime ribs, "what I like about you, Jill, is that you still obviously enjoy food and eating." I'm still the same person -- only thin!
   — Jill L.

April 8, 2002
I started at 363, down to 209 as of today. I too was having issues with being tired. Went to the DR last week and had bloodwork. I have low blood sugar and now must eat smaller meals more often to counter it. I thought it might have been a b12 deficiency but it was not. Perhaps you should have your levels checked?
   — Ginger J.

April 8, 2002
hi JUst wanted to let you know that i was 392 post op. I had my surgery 7 1/2 wks ago and have lost 40 #! I am doing great and have no complications. I had no trouble with any foods and continue to eat most everything I want (except the forbidden) and have not been hungry since surgery day! to me that is a miracle!!!! If you have any more questions feel free to ask
   — Debbie C.

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