How long does it take for your mind to catch up to your body

I am 8 months post op and i have lost 98 lbs. I still think I am really large though. My mind hasn't caught up with my body. I am seeing myself as larger now than i was before. DOes this happen to anyone else? People look at me and I think they are looking because i am large and ugly. Does this get better? Please Help!    — Jennifer L. (posted on April 5, 2002)

April 5, 2002
Hi know exactaly what your saying. I have lost 80lbs and feel the same way. My husband said I am crazy to think I am still fat. I have about 20lbs to goal but it feels like I need to lose more in my mind. I am 7mo post -op. I think the longer we are out of surgery our mind will catch up. Congradulations on your loss.
   — Yvonne C.

April 5, 2002
Hi Jennifer ~ I am still a new post-op (16 days Lap RNY) so I can not relate to your situation however, I must comment. You are doing TERRIFIC! Your are an inspiration to me and I only hope that I do as well as you. 98lbs in 8mos ~ WOW! I bet you look great, why don't you take out some old pre-op photos and do a comparison, I betcha see a difference then. Congrats on your loss & keep up the great job! ~ Debbie
   — Deborah F.

April 5, 2002
I'M NOT CRAZY! I still see myself as 361 lbs. I look in the mirror and I do not see any difference. I call it "Mirror Syndrome". The only thing that tells me I'm smaller is the scale and my clothing sizes; other than that, I'm still Morbidly Obese in my mind. When people look at me, I still think it's out of disgust even though I'm 148 lbs lighter, and 38 lbs away from my goal (had surgery 6 months ago). Last night when I was at school, a group of people were huddled, laughing...I was CONVINCED they were talking about me, calling me FAT! I sure hope my mind catches up!
   — Kristin R.

April 5, 2002
I have lost 174 lbs. It took me approximately 12 months post-op before my mind caught up with my body. Now, for the first time in my life, I feel beautiful.
   — Terissa R.

April 5, 2002
I agree with all below. I walk by a store window, and think to myself, you still look the same. I can tell clothes wise, but is hard for some to adjust I guess. I stll feel awkward when people "make" over me. I do not like attention, but i would rather it be that way,(positive).
   — Marie A.

April 5, 2002
I'm so glad I'm not alone. I've lost 63lbs and now weigh 237lbs and still see myself as 300 lbs. I went to the department store and tried on large size blouse and was amazed that I was swimming in it!
   — Wendy M.

April 5, 2002
This is one of the most excellent of questions I have seen asked thus far. I am 5 months post op and feel the same way as you. I just looked in the mirror, in fact, and thought, "You are still FAT! I don't see any difference." I guess it's a case of forgetting from where we came. I know I'm down 70 lbs., feel alot better but in my mind I am still a big, big woman. Today someone told me I looked great and instead of soaking it in, I shrugged it off and thought "I want the rest of this weight off of me NOW. I think I've hit a plateau also and I believe that adds to the discouragement. Time to get busy to reach that goal. Another problem I have, I was so sedentary pre-op because of my size, that now that I CAN do more, I am at a loss. I don't know how to utilize my time, and end up wasting the day away, then am ashamed of myself. I think "Get out there and LIVE!" but I'm still not doing it. My mind also needs to catch up. Great question.
   — blank first name B.

April 5, 2002
I have made sure I have pre-op photos. I have a friend take a picture of me each month. I put them side by side, and when I'm feeling the way you describe, I just look at the pictures to prove to myself that there is a difference.
   — Christine C.

April 5, 2002
Hi there - this actually came up not too long ago in our support group and one of the girls had an answer that she got from the psych doc who does the initial psych evals for wls - she was told that it usually takes a year from the time you reach goal until you actually see yourself for who you are and what you have accomplished.....that during the whole time we are losing we see our old selves and dont actually see our new selves unless looking at photos - but to just look in the mirror and recognize and accept the new us - well it will be are not alone - I have lost 130lbs so far - I have about 39 to 49 left to go til goal and I still see myself as weighing 334lbs - until I actually compare pictures.....but I cant keep that "mental image" in my mind too long - hopefully it gets better - otherwise just listen to what others tell you when they tell you how good you look :)
   — Sharon Jones

April 5, 2002
Our surgeon tells his patients that it takes about three years for the mind to fully "catch up" to the body. I am 25 months post-op and am just beginning to "trust" my body image. All through my first year, I kept some of my "favorite" clothes (sizes 3-4X) in my closet, and periodically would put them on in the mornings as I was getting ready for work. At first, my husband and children would have to tell me to "take that looks like a tent!". Later on, I was able to see that sort of thing for myself, but it has taken months and months for me to be able to begin to see myself as others see me. Even now, "at goal" and after a tummy tuck/armlift, when people give me compliments or make the comment that "you're not trying to lose any more weight, are you?" I still have a little trouble accepting the comments as "honest" appraisals. My daughter, 27 months post-op, is at the same place emotionally, but we're getting there day by day, and so will you :-) Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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