there are so few VBG vs.RNY wls, I'm getting VBG, please send me some success stories

I also read about so many VBG failures and revisions it is freaking me. My surgery date is July 1 and I'm worried.    — Nicole K. (posted on May 11, 2002)

May 11, 2002
Hi. I had the RNY, but my nurse had the VBG and is doing great. In fact, there were several nurses at the hospital I went to who had the VBG done. They said that they went home the day after surgery. The lady I'm talking about had it done it September and has lost 75 pounds! It puts a lot less stress on the body. I've heard great things about it. Good Luck!
   — Sarah K.

May 11, 2002
I am almost 2 years post op from my open VBG. My starting weight was 314 (5'10" tall). I lost 100 pounds by about 7 months post op. By one year post op I was down 126 pounds. I'm now down a total of 145 pounds, 4 pounds away from what I considered my ultimate goal. I've been maintaining my weight and I'm doing well. I can eat just about any food out there, I almost NEVER throw up. Basically, knock on wood, I haven't had any troubles at all. There are days I worry about the possibilty of mechanical failure, but I have vowed to get on the scale every day and if the number starts going up I will be RUNNING to the doc to have some tests done to make sure everything is still working. The VBG can, and does, work for many people. Some people do have difficulties and need revisions. Just keep in mind, that you are more likely to hear from people who have not had the results they wanted than you are to hear from someone who is doing great and out there living life again. My aunt is 20+ years postop from her VBG and still going strong! As you can see, I had a great role model!
   — BethVBG

May 11, 2002
There are successes and failures with all types of surgery. If you will read back through the archives of this site, you will find plenty of VBG successes as well as failures. AND you will find plenty of RNY successes AND failures. I had Open VBG on 06/11/01 - I did thorough research for two years before deciding on the best procedure for me. I was not influenced by opinions and the "popular" vote! lol!! AS of today I started at 340 lbs. As of today, 11 months later, I weigh 199 lbs. I've gone from 5x and size 30/32 - to Ladies M's and size 12's. Success?? You bet!! And I feel great, have no nutrition and malabsorbsion worries, and can eat anything I want - (just not MUCH of it!!)
   — Cathy J.

May 14, 2002
From what I have read here and from personal experience, VGB does tend to have more long-term problems keeping the weight off. I have a friend who had VGB about 6 years ago. Lost lots of weight and has now put about 2/3's of it back on. But he didn't change his eating habits. Still ate lots of fattening greasy food and has apparently streghted his stomach back out. There is another VGB patient at our support group that had basically the same story, and was revised to RNY last year and is doing great. But either way, you have to realize that WLS is a tool, and you still have to make some lifestyle changes or you will defeat your surgery regardless of what type you have. Good luck and best wishes.
   — Dell H.

May 17, 2002
Nicole- As a failure of VBG who is now condidering RNY, I can give you the best advice of anyone. You have to stay decicated to the surgery. Change your eating habits and stick with it. I was 18 at the time and lost 120lbs, but I got cocky with my new look and slowly reverted back to my old eating habits. It took 8 years befor I was able to eat med. portions again, but it's what I ate (and soda). Post a before pic on your frig. and never forget why you did it. I do not regret my VBG, just my ignorance. Good luck. Stephanie
   — Stephanie T.

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