
   — deborah F. (posted on May 29, 2002)

May 29, 2002
I was a big burper too Deborah, still do at times if I eat too fast.I think that was my main problem. I mean, man size belches that would put my family to shame! I heard that if you eat with your meals, it can cause excess gas. For me though, I do not drink with meals, but I would rather it come from the top, than the bottem!
   — Marie A.

May 30, 2002
Thank God you posted this question - I wasn't sure if my problem was exclusive only to me or what. To be quite honest, I was thinking it was some sort of sick karmic debt thing because I have ALWAYS told my children to try and hold their burps down to a low - that I thought it was rude to be so 'voiceterous' with their burps...well guess what? I'm the burping queen too - I don't know what it is but EVERYTHING - even just a protein shake - makes me burp. Drives me crazy. So now - before I even sit down for a meal or drink with family or friends, I'll say "excuse me" at least 15-times and I tell them that it's for all the future burps that may follow this meal. :) What a change of life, huh? :) Thanks for posting - I have no reasons as to why.
   — Lisa J.

May 30, 2002
Never fear, this does get better the further post op you are. I not only had burps but also rumbling growls that emanated from deep within my intestines and rattled all the way up to my esophagus! Luckily I shared an office with a guy from another country who was a burper himself so I didn't have to keep excusing myself. =) Now I usually only have a burping attack if I eat something I shouldn't or if I don't feel well.
   — ctyst

May 31, 2002
I sure am glad you brought this up! I burp everytime I eat or drink, even water! My husband high fives me, says he needs to take me with him to the football games!!! I am used to it now I guess.
   — Donna S.

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