Why does my anus hurt?

When I shower, and amcleaning "up there" I feel what feels like a bump aboput the size of a quarter, maybe a little bigger. It hurts alot. Mostly if a Sit down alot, or after a BM. I was wondering is this a Hemmoriod(SP?)? or is this beacuase I have just Lost 110 pounds in six months, and my bum is just not built up back there? Any insight is appreciated. I know it is disgusting, but I am almost ready to go to the doctor with this M. Bare Assing situation.    — sbinkerd1 (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
Well it could be a hemmroid, hernia? Or perhaps like me a zit:( I get a boil like zit near this area because having lost akll this weight my skin flops over itself, and sitting too much is painful and brings about this boil like zit. Best to get your xchecked by your PCP, like I did.
   — bob-haller

June 19, 2002
Sounds like a 'roid. I didn't have one until I had surgery. Go figure. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

June 19, 2002
I had this recently and it progressed into a perianal abcess(sp?). If this continues or is very painful get it checked out I cant even tell you how much pain I was in. I had a hole in my butt the size of a quarter when it drained one morning. I lived on vicodin for about 2 weeks, it was misdaignosed as a hemheroid originally. I ended up on heavy duty antibiotics for 2 weeks and my surgeon said that hemheroids dont hurt like that. It was agony to touch if this sounds like yours then go to the dr!
   — kittycat

June 19, 2002
Sure it is not your butt-bone making an appearance after being in hiding for many years? just a thought...
   — Robbin T.

June 20, 2002
Scott I am seeing my dr for this same thing on Friday, I just figured it was hemmroids and bought cream but itsn't helping much. It hurts really badly and sometimes bleed if I've had alot of BM that day. So I'm glad you asked this so I know I'm not alone. I have never had hemmroids until about the past 3 weeks so this is all new to me too:<
   — Lynda T.

June 20, 2002
Hi Scott. I think you should go to the Dr. I ended up in the hospital 2 weeks post op with an abcess that had to be lanced. I had the same symptoms. However I had a high temp with mine. I've heard others say that oral antibiotics took care of theirs.
   — Janet R.

June 20, 2002
Do a search in the data base for Hidradentis Suppurativa. It is really painful. Here is a link as well:
   — Karen R.

June 26, 2002
It was diagnosed an internal Hemorroid, but I am not so sure... I got some Puslike matriel from it, and felt it "pop" in a very painful moment, and after that it started getting better, and the swelling went down. I don't know if Hemmoroids pop, but I am grateful it is over. I had pain so bad it took me to the Urgent care clinic. everything is okay now! thanks for all your input!
   — sbinkerd1

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