I think the hole where my drainage tube was is infected

I am two weeks post op and it is very moist with pus and red and swollen around it. Its also a little painful. My surgeon told me originally not to put anything on it. I am getting in to see my PCP in about an hour about it. Anyone else have this? I have no fever or other signs, but am worried!    — emilyfink (posted on June 26, 2002)

June 26, 2002
I had the same thing 1 week post-op. Since I didn't have a fever, my surgeon (on call - Sunday Morning) told me just to hang tight. 6 hours later, I was vomitting and he told me to go to the ER. By the time I got there, my fever was 102. Lots of IV antibiotics and fluids, and I came home two days later. Keep in mind, they took labs while I was in the ER, and they all looked pretty bad. The day of discharge, the surgeon told me he "almost lost me".
   — Karen F.

June 26, 2002
Be aggressive with your surgeon when you feel something is wrong. Insist on being seen, doctors really need to see us first hand to know whats going on. Telephoone descriptions can miss important details. You sound infected, time for some antibiotics...
   — bob-haller

June 26, 2002
I had the same thing and my Dr. just had me keep putting peroxide on it. Whithin a few days it was all better.
   — Ammy T.

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