Should I get a credit card?

Though I have insurance, I have to pay some money upfront. My surgeon requires $700- no problem, I already have that. There is a good possibilty that I'll have to pay something upfront to the hospital- this I don't have. I am still awaiting approval, so I don't have a date set. Once I have this info the hospital can contact the insurance company and then I will know how much I need upfront. My delima is this- I don't have anything to sell, I cannot work a second job and I have noone to borrow from. I have contemplated getting a credit card with a low interest rate in case I need it for the hospital. I have been in credit card debt before (many years ago) so it scares me. Has anyone else went this route? Did you regret it later? I want WLS more than anything right now, but I fear all of the bills that will follow (my insurance pays 70/30) and then a credit card bill also. Thanks for any comments!    — karmiausnic (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 17, 2002
Hi Karen, I understand your concern, I had some of the same ones. I talked to someone at my surgeons office and te gave me the name of a person in billing to call at the hospital. I explain to her what surgery and the insurance. She then told me what I had to pay up front. For me it was just the $150 deductable. She said the hospital would bill me after the insurance had paid for any balance left. She also told me they could set up a payment plan. It gave me a lot of comfort to know what they expected.
   — Cheryl S.

July 18, 2002
Yeah, don't get into cc debt...the "lowest" interst rate you'll be able to find in around 18%! Just let the hospital bill you and pay 'em off as you can, no harm, no foul. Good luck!
   — rebeccamayhew

July 18, 2002
If you can qualify for a credit card, chances are you could also qualify for a low-interest personal loan from your local bank. It's definitely worth it to get in debt for this surgery. It will change your entire life and make your work life much more viable ... i.e. you'll have the energy to work long hours and thus you will be more successful and make more money. I say borrow, borrow, borrow ... you're borrowing only to save your own life, and that's worth a lot more than money.
   — Terissa R.

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