What to wear while in the hospital?

I don't wear gowns now- I prefer pajama pants and t-shirts. I would think that pj pants would be better since the gown would have to be raised to views the incisions, tubes, etc. I know that some people just use the gowns from the hospital, but I know I would be more comfy in pj pants. I also would rather not purchase a robe knowing I will not use it after I return home. If I am wearing pj pants, I won't need a robe...Any other posties wear pj pants afterwards? Did you wish you hadn't? Thanks for your comments!    — karmiausnic (posted on August 11, 2002)

August 10, 2002
I wish I had thought of the pj bottoms. (But nothing fit me anyway). ;) I think it's a good idea. Personally I would get the robe too. What if, for some reason, they don't want you to wear the pj bottoms? I did'nt have a robe and when I had to walk, my buttocks where flapping in the breeze for everyone to admire (and thank God it was'nt their butt). As you can see, I deeply regret not having a robe. Take both! Even though you don't plan on using "that robe" later. Put it down for a dog bed when you lose the weight.
   — Danmark

August 10, 2002
When I had my surgery 3 weeks ago--I was treated to the designer gowns-- offered the summer collection by Omar the Tentmaker --at the hospital---the first night I had a cath -IV and compression things on my legs--I slept in their gown as I wasn't allowed to get up--as soon as all that came out the next day--I showered and put on my own things---the tshirt knit things are very soft and comfy---I had a nice capri pj outfit that I wore---just pulled the elastic down so it didn't press against my incision near my navel---one thing for certain take a chapstick with you your lips will be peeling after surgery
   — Linda L.

August 10, 2002
The PJ pants will be ok if you keep them down around your hips, below your belly button. I wore shorts home from the hospital and as long as they were low enough, they were ok. My experience in the hospital, I just wore the hospital gown, when I got up to go walking, I put on another one backwards, so that all sides were covered. It was much easier to go to the bathroom than with pants on, it is very hard for you to bend, so unless you have someone to help you pull them up....I would go for the gowns.
   — Sharon H.

August 10, 2002
Hi there~ Fisrt let me start with GOOD LUCK and you will been in my thoughts and prayers before, during and after surgery. Before I went into the hospital, I was very worried that I was going to be uncomforable in anything that I put on. Knowing that even my largest, roomies tees would be too small. The hospital should have extra-large gowns. They were great. Very Very ROOMY!!! I would put mine on with the opening in the front and tye it there. That way my bottom was always covered when I would walk or move around and it was very easy for the nurses to check my tubes and incision. The nurses thought it was a great idea. They acted like no one had ever done this, lol. I would be careful about PJ bottoms. I had a cathiter in the whole time and it would not have worked having bottoms on. But I would take some just in case they don't keep a cathiter in you he whole time. I didn't even put panties on until the day I came home when the cathiter came out. Also, just another hint. I lived in big men's white sleveless tees. I think they are called A-tees. They really helped with the rubbing of the belly binder they have you wearing right after surgery until about a month post-op. Please feel free to email me and I will give you some other ideas of what I took and used to the hospital, if you want them. Good Luck Again~ Candi
   — Candi B.

August 11, 2002
I too thought I would be more comfortable in pajama bottoms, but as it turned out the hospital gown was much better for me. My incisions were very tender and the shorts tended to crawl up from my hips and irritate the incisions further. The hospital gowns were so big and roomy, it was like having nothing on at all. :)
   — BlueGray

August 11, 2002
I had the Lap RNY four weeks ago. I did not have any tubes, a catheter or tummy binder. Each surgeon has his preference. But you will most likely have an IV and plenty residual gas from the surgery. (they blow up the abdomen so they will have room to move and see what they are doing) Bending and maneuvering cold be a problem. I wore loose pants home from the hospital that were equivalent to PJ bottoms and I couldn't wait to get them off. Still had some gas and six little puncture holes in my abbie. My hospital gown overlapped in the back, so everthing was covered when I walked. Good luck and take whatever you want to the hospital. What's the worse that can happen? You take clean clothes home from the hospital that someone else will carry for you anyway.
   — Sue A.

August 11, 2002
I agree with Ann - I found the hospital gowns to be perfect - nice and roomy. I bought two new gowns and by the time I got home from the hospital and went to wear them - they hung on me!!!! Go figure.
   — Can9603

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