Constipation can anyone help with this

I an 4 months out and have lost 90 lbs.60lbs more to go. For the last Month im very constipated what can I take or what foods will help.    — matt C. (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
Senokot-S tablets....very good!
   — Carolyn G.

August 14, 2002
Matt, I strongly recommend the good 'ol fashioned Milk of Mag. This is what we do in the hospitals, and this is what I do at home. I also encourage keeping your liquid intake to a max. If you aren't getting at least 64oz. do it. If you are, then add a bit more, especially in this heat. I also highly recommend that you increase your dietary fiber. Whole grain cereals and breads are excellent. You can also increase your fruits and veggies. If this doesn't help, honey, nuthin' will. LOL Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
   — Tina B.

August 14, 2002
This is from a list I received at my discharge from BTC. Milk of Magnesia, Colace, Peri-Colace, Dulcolax-suppositories/tablets, Glycerin Suppositories, Fleets Enema. I haven't tried any of them yet post-op.
   — stacjean

August 14, 2002
Three months after surgery I had such a terrible bout of constipation that I developed anal fissures (not a pretty experience). Since that time I have found that it is VERY important to get my water in each day. When I do experience the beginnings of constipation I take Colace gelcaps...2 each night before bed and usually everything is fine in 36 to 72 hours.
   — Nanette T.

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