Can I drink water with my protein shake?

I drink a protein shake for breakfast, just can't eat in the morning. Is it ok to drink water with the shake even though it's a meal??? I never drink an hour before or an hour after I eat solid food, but I'm think this only applies to solid food..right???? thanks you all (((hugs))) and smiles =)))    — DebPKansas (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 17, 2002
Hi. I think that maybe it's not such a good idea to drink water with your shake. The more water you drink while drinking your shake, the less shake you'll drink. Thus the less protein you'll get in. Now, if you aren't having a problem getting all your protein in then I don't see anything wrong with drinking water. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
   — Sarah K.

August 17, 2002
Deb, do you mean mixing your protein drink with water instead of milk or drinking a protein drink along with a glass of water? If you can tolorate fixing your shakes with water,(you can find some with lots more protein if you make your own, ckeck out then you have less calories to count, however milk gives you alittle more protein and I find fill me more.Some people who are on the run and can handle the water in the shake even carry a container with a scoop of protein shake powder in it to have ready for a handy meal if they need one just by going to the nearest water fountain and then shaking it and drinking. I have not been able to stomach that yet, but it is a great idea. If you have a shake for a "meal" you dont have to wait the 30-45 min after to start drinking your water, at least according to my Dr. I usually grab both in the am as I walk out to work, I finish my shake by the time I drive to work and have started on my water to get all I can get in. Hope this helps.
   — Nicole K.

August 17, 2002
when you drink water along with your protein shake you are forcing the shake out of your stomach therefore not getting the benefit of it ,so no drinking with it or food
   — Mary H.

August 17, 2002
My MD said to treat the protein shake just like food which means NO drinking 1/2 hour before and up to 1 hour after!! This way our body has the best chance to absorp the nutrients before it leaves the pouch-
   — ~~Stacie~~

August 17, 2002
Nutrient absorbtion does not take place in our stomachs - even in "normal" stomachs. All the stomach does is break the food down into its smallest parts (protein, fats, carbs). It does this both mechanically with the churning and chemically with HCl and enzymes. Our pouches have a reduced capacity to do both of these. Actual absorbtion of the broken down nutrients occur in the small intestines. We malabsorb some of the nutrients because a portion of our small intestines are bypassed. In theory it shouldn't pose a problem if you want to drink water after you drink a protein drink, however in my experience I get kinda full on the shakes and like to wait a little while to start drinking my water again.
   — Ali M

August 17, 2002
I disagree with the other posters. The protein shakes are liquid, just like the water is and runs right thru the pouch. The rule about not drinking before or right after meals applies to solid foods and not liquids.
   — Cindy R.

August 17, 2002
Ok...I'm still a little confused, but sincerely appreciate all your advice! I mix my protein shake with water, always, because I can't tolerate lactose. My major concern was stretching out my pouch. I am 16 months post op and can handle a 12 ounce shake with no problems and drink 32 ounces of water right after, and continue so as to get in 100 ounces of water a day. Thanks so much to you all (((hugs))) and smiles =))) Michele??? you out there?? what do you think??? =)
   — DebPKansas

August 17, 2002
Ok...I'm still a little confused, but sincerely appreciate all your advice! I mix my protein shake with water, always, because I can't tolerate lactose. My major concern was stretching out my pouch. I am 16 months post op and can handle a 12 ounce shake with no problems and drink 32 ounces of water right after, and continue so as to get in 100 ounces of water a day. Thanks so much to you all (((hugs))) and smiles =))) Michele??? you out there?? what do you think??? =)
   — DebPKansas

August 17, 2002
Yep, I'm here now. Sorry I was late! LOL! I consider protein shakes a beverage at this point. At first, yes it's a meal, but not solid food. When you see "with", do you mean 2 fisted drinking? Or do you mean you start back on your water when you finish your shake? Anyway, my pat answer is YES, drink water before, after WHATEVER your protein shake, as long as you feel comfy. Athletes drink them with 20 oz water. (ewww) The water won't wash away the absorption.
   — vitalady

August 17, 2002
Thanks Michelle!!! I usually drink my protein shake..takes me around 15-20 minutes..then I start right in drinking water. This is around 7:30...then by 9:00 I've had 32 ounces of water and have something to eat at 10:00...usually cheese, beef jerky, or deli meat. Then back to drinking at 11:00...and so goes my day. Thanks again for everyone's help (((hugs))) and smiles =))))
   — DebPKansas

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