restarting over

I feel like such a failure with this surgery. At work tonight one of my supervisor's came to the break room and for whatever reason she mentioned she was going to have weight loss surgery but was worried she could not stop emotional eating. I realized after all this time that is my problem. I had surgery June 01 and have lost 60lbs. Yes I feel much better but I am starting to feel depressed again because I can't lose more. I am starting to go to the gym after work at 2am with a co-worker...why do I wait for a year to see that things were not working for me... I don't binge or eat huge quantities but obviously eat more than I need....I'm wondering if there's any hope for someone like me. I have been exercising and watching what I am eating but I'm just stuck at the same weight and still a size 18..    — Mandy M. (posted on August 28, 2002)

August 27, 2002
Dear Mandy, Im a little over 14 months post op, ive been what it seems like the same size since December of 2001. I must admit at first my weight did melt off, but I was very strict with what I ate, and was exercising everyday. I must also admit I have been a little laxed about things lately, meaning I havent been exercising like I use too. But I have given bread and soda up for good, and I thought by now I would be a lot smaller then I am. Am i discouraged , yes I am. Everyone around me tells me I look good, that I shouldnt want to get skinny, cuz right now I look "healthy", What ever that means. But my hopes for WLS may have not been realistic or im doing something wrong. Right now im not sure what it is. I started out at 275lbs and right now I weigh about 160lbs, So I did lose 115lbs, but my weight does go up and down every month, and I dont feel as good as I did 6 months out. My enegry level has dropped again, and im trying very hard to make right choices, but I feel like all I do is eat all day. Im scared and upset that it might lead me back to becoming morbidly obese again.I figured Id be at about 140 or lower by now, and no matter what I do it seems like Im stuck. And I feel like my window of opportunity is closed. UGH! Im wondering right now if there is anything I can do to restart it. I just wanted to let ya know you werent alone, and even though our weight levels differ, its still a struggle. Good luck and if you get any good information please pass it along. I could use the help at this point.
   — Ann A.

August 28, 2002
I'm still pre-op, but wanted to first say that what you have accomplished so far is wonderful and an inspiration to us pre-ops. The issue you bring up came up in my psych evaluation the other night. Any 'emotional' eating habits pre-op will still be there post-op. But don't beat yourself up because at least you realize that this may be an issue. I'm sure that support group folks, and our AMOS brothers and sisters can help with solutions. I know this wasn't exactly an answer to your question, just (hopefully) some encouraging words. God Bless.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 28, 2002
Hi. I just wanted to say that you really are doing well. Come on, you lost 60 pounds in less that three months! I'll admit that I've been feeling the same way as you do right now. I think, why can't I get this weight off faster. Than I remind myself that I've lost 75 pounds in a little under four months. Before surgery, the weight would not have come off. I realize that I have a disese. An illness that is healing, but not gone. You must understand that things are going to take time. So far, you are doing great. Keep up the great work. And I also think it's important to have a support group. So if you don't have a group that meets at least every few weeks, it's time to get one. They will motivate you and keep you going strong. ((Hugss)), Sarah
   — Sarah K.

August 28, 2002
Mandy, I had my surgery in February of 2001 and only lost the first 5 months. I lost and regained the same ten pounds for the next year. I want you to know that you can start losing again. I made some realizations about myself and started doing things the right way again and I have lost 27 pounds since the beginning of June 2002. I don't want to make my response too long but you can check out my profile and read my story and you can email me anytime. I've been where you are, putting myself through mental abuse because I felt like a failure... I never thought that the person who abused me would be myself. Hugs, Debbie Wolfe
   — dream_small

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