How do you deal with being denied?

I just found out today that the final decision from my insurance is that they will be no longer covering Bariatric surgery.Then they tell me,"if we change our minds,you are the first in line to have it done........yeah right"I guess that was soposed to make me feel better.I am so depressed and heart-broken right now,i'm wondering how everyone else delt with being denied?? I have no way of being able to self-pay,so how do you talk yourself into not giving up?? Please someone give me some advice.Thanx in advance...    — kim M. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
I dont exactly have an answer for you but I completely understand your sadness. My paperwork has been ready for about 2 weeks and I'm afraid to send it in for fear of denial. Its like the carrott I hang out in front of myself every day and as long its there I have a reason to get out of bed. That otta cheer ya up a little - at least you have a real reason to be sad, I'm just making one up.
   — Mary R.

September 13, 2002
Hi Kim-I think I know just how you feel that happened to me 3 months ago it really hurt! I had my hopes up only to have then shatered. I prayed a lot about it. Then deciede to change insurance if I can. Well am still working on that one. But have also researche the lap band which is muh cheap. It can be done for about 10,000 with no referral no insurance . Most go to Mexico to get it its less than half what it cost in U.S. check out the bandsters website and they can give you incredible info.Blessings Sheri Carson
   — Sheri C.

September 13, 2002
i know just how you feel i just got my 2nd denial only because- no 2 yr. dr.supervised is very sad,and frustrating to say the least... i have 1 chance left and that is to appeal directly to my hubby's insurance dept...i have everything they are asking for..i hope this works... have you thought about contacting walter lindstrom?? he's a lawyer with maybe he can shed some light for you..i wish you the very best of luck!! please don't give up..keep praying...the lord will hear you... jeanne/ca...
   — jjettrox

September 14, 2002
Kim, I had several insurance companies deny me over a six year period--that's right, I fought for six years to get this surgery! Two of the companies wouldn't even pay for me to have a surgical consult. So, at every opportunity, I changed insurance companies until I finally found one that was willing. Those six years were immensely frustrating...but the results were worth it. Switch companies, fight, keep looking for a way!
   — CaseyinLA

September 14, 2002
If you are being denied, I would make sure you have a full copy of the insurance contract and read it carefully. Many times there is actually coverage, but it is written in such obscure language, that it is difficult to see where the coverage exists. Also, I didn't think that an exclusion could be put into the contract witout prior notice to all participants, or at the annual renewal sign up period, when you get the full package to accept or reject the insurance. Don't just take the word of a processor over the phone, either from the Doctor's office, or the insurance company. Make sure you see the information in writing, and seek a Legal Professional's advice if you are unsure of the wording. Good luck to you, and don't give up hope!
   — beryl

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