I was just recently approve where do I start?

I am not sure if I should start taking more vitamins or what? I would just like to know if anyone might have some ideas of how to prepare.My first surg consultation will not be scheduled for atleast 3 more months. If anyone has any good ideas please let me know [email protected] Sara    — sara G. (posted on October 3, 2002)

October 3, 2002
Start walking everyday no matter if it's dopwn the driveway, around the block, whatever just walk. I think vitamins are a good idea, try to break away from any bad habits like soda, smoking so forth, and get the house in order. You'll be so glad you did!
   — MF

October 4, 2002
For me, approval was like turning over a new leaf. Excercise, get into the habit of taking vitamins & supplements, and work on your innerself as well. I starting seeing a therapist to deal with impending changes and it has made a WORLD of difference in my outlook. This way, I can focus on one thing- recovery. Also, my PCP recommended taking high doses of Vitamin C prior to surgery, as this raises your collagen levels, which in turn reduces your scarring. Best wishes!
   — Rebekah B.

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