When will I start to feel better?

I am getting in my water, but the pain med is making me nauseous, and I would rather not take it, however plain Tylenol is not cutting it. When can I expect to have less pain?    — Lesa H. (posted on October 4, 2002)

October 3, 2002
This is what I tell all my friends. If you hurt take a pain pill. Noone should have to suffer and be in pain. Also remember you have had major major surgery. Your body is reajusting. Take it easy and take small steps. Good luck Sarah
   — sarah C.

October 3, 2002
Shouldn't be too much longer before you can wean yourself off of pain meds. If the one you are on is making you nauseous, ask your doc to prescribe some anti-nausea medicine to take with it. I was nauseous every morning for the first month after surgery. Remember you are only 5 days post-op, your body needs time to heal. Rest and take the pain meds, drink plenty of fluids.
   — Cindy R.

October 4, 2002
It took me 5 weeks to really feel okay again. I had an open RNY. They "nailed my rib" with the "block" that was supposed to help with the pain post op, causing a hematoma. But, I hurt for 5 weeks. It DOES get better, I promise.
   — Barbara B.

October 4, 2002
Well I had a open and was off the heavy duty pain medication within a couple of days being home, except for at nite, I needed to sleep. I was very tender for almost a month. Not tender enough to take pain medication, just very sore. I kept walking thru all of this, even if just for a short distance. Then one day I was walking and had no more pain, at all. Give it a month and you will quickly forget the pain, as the pounds melt away. -82 lbs. gone forever
   — paulsgirl

October 4, 2002
Like the previous poster, I too didn't really feel "good" until I was about 5 weeks post-op. I was actually on pain meds for a couple of weeks after surgery as well. I say if the pain meds are making you sick then perhaps you should ask your doctor if there was something else he could prescribe instead. My doc wanted to put me on Vicadin but I had a bad experience prior to surgery when my dentist gave me that after a tooth extraction. So he gave me percocet instead and I did fine with it. I would ask for something else if you are still hurting. Good luck, it does get better.
   — Laurel C.

October 4, 2002
My first week was hell. I am at the end of week two now and feeling much better. I still sleep in the recliner but I am not in pain. The worse is over.
   — Pam G.

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